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The following article was published in our article directory on June 28, 2011.
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Can Global Warming be Stopped?

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Boruch Fishman

All scientists and meteorologists agree that global warming has caused a rise in the average temperature of the Earth of 1 degree in the last 30 years. Most scientists blame Global Warming for the recent extremes in temperature , hurricanes, flooding and the paradoxical frigid winters in the Northern Hemisphere. The question is can the trend be stopped before truly catastrophic events, such as massive flooding and mass migrations of humanity from areas of the planet rendered uninhabitable due to the heat, occur.

Among writers on the Internet, there are multiple opinions about whether mankind can stop the trend of global warming. A number of hopeful authors, coming from both within and without the scientific community believe that global warming can be stopped. Accomplishing this requires a massive effort on the part of all individuals to cut greenhouse emissions and reverse global warming. One web site gives complete step by step instructions homeowners should follow to reduce harmful emissions. Switching from incandescent light bulbs to compact fluorescent bulbs, for example, will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by an astounding 700 pounds over the life of one light bulb.

Websites believing global warming can be stopped emphasize the need for haste. The transition from fossil fuels must take place within 30 years, and human society as a whole must look at changing consumption patterns.

Other websites take a more pessimistic and realistic look at the problem. They point out that changes in global warming have already begun and society needs to accept the inevitability of global warming and prepare for it.

A third group of websites, especially coming from within the technological sector, take a reactive approach to the problem. People in this sector are realists who want to protect themselves from the types of weather extremes that the planet has already seen. They ask what they can do to protect themselves in the coming decades from extremes of weather like Hurricane Katrina, heat waves, floods and other extremes. Should industry focus more on reducing emissions or on technological advances that can prevent global warming and correct the effects of it.

A new study by a Utah physicist argues that rising carbon dioxide emissions can only be stopped by the production of one nuclear plant every day or else by the collapse of major parts of society. While his study is challenged by many economists, it was ultimately published in the journal of a reputable California scientist. Notably at least two other authors agree with points raised by the physicist. One retired scientists who has worked in companies active in environmental concerns points out that the increased use of known technologies such as nuclear power are industries best approach to reducing carbon emissions. Other writers echo the belief that a collapse of large sectors of the economy would successfully reduce carbon emissions.

With all of these competing opinions, it is impossible to know exactly how the future will play out. However, certain conclusions can be made. At some point, industry and mankind will come back into equilibrium with the environment. The equilibrium will be sooner and more pleasant if individuals and industry can make the necessary adjustments to stem harmful emissions. The equilibrium will take longer to reach and will be more painful, if it is achieved through reactive changes to increasingly unpleasant effects of global warming. The equilibrium will be pushed off even further and will be even more unpleasant if it occurs only after one or more of the catastrophic changes of global warming visits the planet.

The first of the three scenarios presupposes a proactive solution to global warming. The second scenario presupposes a proactive plus reactive solution. And the third scenario presupposes a proactive plus reactive plus non reactive solution to global warming, in that small or large parts of humanity and the economy are wiped out by the effects of the climate changes.

The frustration inherent in trying to tackle global warming is that finding a viable solution depends on the cooperation of everyone living on the planet. In this type of situation, it is too easy for people to pass off responsibility to the next guy. The technological sector, as illustrated above, tends to act reactively. As long as people can get to the factory, the factory will operative. If temperatures rises, the plant can be cooled. Workers can buy fans and air conditioners with the money they earn. Restrictive legislation is hard to come by because even liberals are dependent on the comforts created by modern technology. Getting a complete response from all sectors of society depends, in large part, on the presence of unpleasant consequences of global warming having already occurred, which takes the problem out of the realm of the theoretical and into the actual. By then, however, it is too late, to immediately stop the trend of global warming as active steps taken to reduce emissions take time to manifest in terms of repletion of the ozone layer.

Great Sun, author of the Viking book "Super Life Secret Codes," has taken a different approach to the problem of technological progress that harms nature. In his text, he addresses the root cause of this scientific trend, which is man's separation from the Universe. In his text he uses examples from the technological sector to teach people that our relationship to the Universe is living and vital.

"What we cannot see does not mean it does not exist," he writes. "If you apply for a cell phone today, before the channel is opened by the cell phone company its signal is weak and the phone is not useful at all. But if the channel is opened, the messages will pass back and forth from the satellites to your phone so quick and accurately you are able to receive messages in seconds. The relationship between humans and the Universe functions similarly. "

According to Great Sun, when we do something to hurt the Universe, we are really hurting ourselves. As more and more people come to realize this truth, they will begin make environmentally friendly choices without the need of some types of external compulsion.

About the Author: Health, Life, , War, Global Warming , stop . To find out everything about Health, Life, , War, Global Warming , stop , visit his website at WEBSITE URL

Keywords: Health, Life, , War, Global Warming , stop

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