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The following article was published in our article directory on April 20, 2011.
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The price war of tablet computer is no way out

Article Category: Business

Author Name: xia zihui

April 19 morning news, China's first tablet computer peak today in Beijing, Microsoft global opening senior vice President, Microsoft Asia Pacific r&d group chairman in sina science and technology according to accept interview said tablet computer industry's development has become a new trend of tablet computer to tell three "no" :

First one, tablet computer is no flash in the pan. Tablet computer itself represents the new development trend of natural user interface, so bring some new user experience, new function, is the past some computer or the past technology can't bring, not like the Internet this, Internet this just PC shrink version, smaller screen, low price, this cannot be sustained. Tablet computer are becoming the fourth screen of our life.

The second no, tablet PC is not only the computer. Not only is hardware or equipment for the competition, it is actually the iec or ecosystem, a chip that has the computer itself, also have software service contents, many things in "cloud" inside, a lot of things in the computer inside, software, also have a service, so is a cloud add end, software plus service the best example.

The third no, tablet computer can't price war. You still have to have innovation, a new user experience, new functionality.

The following is factual record: interview
Host: everyone on the net friend hello sina science and technology, we this morning at the first tablet computer to interview to Microsoft global summit, senior vice President, would you please Mr According with net friend say hello.

Sina net friend hello according:.
Host: you just in his keynote speech to do a very wonderful theme speech. In the last more than a year, tablet PCS has become the hot consumption field, you think the driving factors behind what?

First I see according industry development, has become a new trend. Cloud computing and now we are talking about the mobile Internet, I think is promoting the development of tablet computer important technique. I just mentioned, I speak three to tablet computer.

First one, tablet computer is no flash in the pan, tablet computer itself represents the new development trend of natural user interface, so bring some new user experience, new function, is the past some computer or the past technology can't bring. Unlike the Internet this, Internet this just PC shrink version, smaller screen, low price, this cannot be sustained. Tablet computer are becoming the fourth screen of our life. Now we have cell phones, TV or PC, tablet PC is our PC screen.

The second no, tablet PC is not just computers, is not just hardware or equipment for the competition, it is actually the iec or ecological system. A chip that has the computer itself, also have software service contents, many things in "cloud" inside, a lot of things in the computer inside, software, also have a service, so is a "cloud" and "end", software plus service the best example.

The third no, tablet computer can't price war. You still have to have innovation, a new user experience, new functionality. Each enterprise, especially small businesses, you must consider you do products, software, services, the computer itself, exactly what kind of advantage, is not only I do a cheap.

Large enterprises, in the world of industry chain, in the supply of a stronger ability, such as it has scale effect. Such as when a component shortages, it has the ability to earn. In addition, people don't do computer, outsourced to several companies do, this time by price war is no way out.

Overall speaking, tablet computer still have broad prospect. Whether Microsoft Windows 7 and the next generation of Windows, to tablet computer are great support. Our operating system, the software platform, many parts of optimized for tablet computer, such as communication function, battery life, including user interface and experience. I just talked about tablet computer is a ecological environment, Microsoft create or an experienced and iec, we hope that the scale of the peer and together we carry it up in this industry.

Host: you just mentioned the Windows 7 system will support tablet computer, now have the latest progress?

Today you will see according launch various computer manufacturers, there are many is built on Windows 7 above, including it with some new, more province energy, low-energy chip, have done particularly good tablet computer. But in the next generation Windows inside, support the SOC, including X86, also including the ARM architecture, such word, can give our partners, to industry to provide more choice. We are looking forward to have plenty of resources to support this aspect of r&d and products.

Compere: do you think the future tablet computer the core competitiveness of the factor mainly to where? Is application or mass effect?

All have, according the iec is end-to-end. You should have a good product, also need to have good content services and software, these things are in together, but this does not mean that every enterprise wants to do everything. Every enterprise should have their own orientation, but positioning, must consider a big iec, not say I do only one thing.

Today can hear many people will talking about industry end-to-end service, application, including content, because this is some advantages that Chinese enterprises. Every time when talked about service content, talked about targeted market, custom-built, Chinese enterprises have is a great advantage.

About the Author: I'm xia zihuifrom, China 4 Layer PCB, 8 Layer PCB, Aluminum Base PCB .

Keywords: China 4 Layer PCB, 8 Layer PCB

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