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The following article was published in our article directory on April 19, 2011.
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Should we buy bare or contract mobile phone of iPhone4

Article Category: Business

Author Name: xia zihui

No one paragraph digital products like apple iPhone, whether as HangHuo starting, gray market or operators binds a sale, every time appetizing people appetite.
Desperate for three months late
r, HangHuo iPhone4 25th finally in the mainland market sales. IPhone4 since June since then have consistently overseas by global hot for the Chinese market, so the iPhone4 is also particularly attractive. Over the past few months, gray from various channels to enter the mainland iPhone4 market, even once sold to "yuan a".

For the average consumer, it is "0" yuan buying machine way to join unicom iPhone4 contract plan, or through the apple store to buy LuoJi iPhone4, again "cut card" using other operators of phone card? At what price, from which way cheaper? LuoJi bind buyers and have to distinguish? HangHuo version of the arrival of the "good old days", gray and will be an end?

Stock HangHuo starting face itself
IPhone425 day HangHuo synchronization in unicom hall, apple stores, suning appliances begin to sell. Apple iPhone4 the LuoJi, contract machine adopts the synchronous sales strategy in the mainland, still belongs to the first. The price for 16GBiPhone4 LuoJi 4999 yuan, unicom 2-year contract price for 5880 yuan. And the 32GBiPhone4 LuoJi price for 5999 yuan, unicom 2-year contract price for 6999 yuan.

The iPhone4 HangHuo listed and the opening of the new AppleStore, powder, it for fanatic is a matter worthy queue overnight thing. On September 25th morning at 6:30, reporters arrived at big yue city AppleStore, apple has been around for more than 1,000 people queuing square. According to the door of the release date card staff, told reporters that many are lined up all night long pink with food, and tempo-begins cushion, chair, some together playing CARDS, play some in the iPad. "I am at 5 a.m. today, not earlier, all-night queue of is to the front, have a plenty of take tents?" A waiting for buyers apple fans to not seen excitedly showed mask told reporters.

In order to guarantee the learned, unicom iPhone4 sales processes are smooth, adopted the procedure in different period. 25 only had an appointment and received hall call user just can buy iPhone4, but not the appointment to make an appointment, but not got a phone call telling users or to not notice specified hall user cannot buy. According to the working personnel introduces China unicom business hall, especially the first source is limited, can according to user's appointment has yet to purchase, notify users of receiving notification still need to wait.

Unicom only in 25 iPhone4 first pin day six million sold department. From September 17th to September 24, YuDingLiang also iPhone4 online allied to 20 million. Suning appliance in Beijing the first batch of iPhone4 sales were 34 storefront su ning. By 25 10, part of the iPhone4 supply stores su has been snapped up, on-site can only continue to accept reservations of the second batch of iPhone4.

Second-ranking gray encounter cold trend is unknown
LuoJi approached, let HangHuo fan in the domestic existing authority of iPhone4 market seems to feel the fatal shock. Reporter 26 zhongguancun discovered, the current gray visit iPhone4 sales have "cold snap" momentum. In early September GangBan 16GB, 32GB zhongguancun iPhone4 also because the authority stock stay in 62 yuanhe 6,900 yuan, and before September 20 down to $5,500, after the 16GB version to 25, with HangHuo LuoJi already is the basic of 5000 yuan, yielding around within the time less than a week diving 500 yuan.

About the Author: I'm xia zihui from, which offers quality products such as Manual Recliner , China Auto Seat Slide , and many more. Know more , please visit Manual Recliner .

Keywords: Manual Recliner , China Auto Seat Slide

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