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The following article was published in our article directory on April 15, 2011.
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The cost of google has rised 54 percent With the new CEO

Article Category: Business

Author Name: xia zihui

April 15, 2007, according to foreign media reports, a surprised Google company cost spending surged 54 percent quarterly earnings make investors was frightened, they worry that new CEO pursuit of revenue growth may deviate from the basic policy, this worry makes Google shares fell by 5%.

Make investors are focused on is: Google cost spending surged to 28.4 million us dollars, the results make soaring 29% net earnings, and reflects the dwarfs Google unprecedented hiring binge - the whole company level salary growth, thus pinned the Google - from all aspects of marketing to technology development.

Analysts now expect, Google jointly sponsors, new CEO page will continue to put money to develop new products, the purpose is aggressive attack killed into social networking and mobile business, etc. Google executives said Thursday, Google needs to stimulate growth, improved cost spending.

Antipathy media technology genius, 36 page, took this month Google for ten years, he is in the he schmidt conference call appearing only analyst for a few minutes. Some analysts are disappointed, they were hoping to hear new CEO detail Google leapfrog growth package and the innovation plan.

Analysts at BGC partners company Gillis said: "Google spending growth exceeded sales, some people with Google money will get upset." He also said: "but has made it clear that page Google will continue to push spending growth, if these costs have goals and lead to future sales growth for it's page, then, vice is good, the result will be bad." the spending growth plan
Analysts pointed out that with Google and social nets leader Facebook and apple's competition, page will try to support innovative, and cut the Google bureaucracy.

Google plans this year hire more than 6,000 new employees and this quarter has absorbed the record-breaking 2000 people. In January, the entire company Google raise 10%.

Google chief financial officer Pichette to analysts said: "the company's bottom line has not changed, we really value the company growth prospects. In addition, I can tell you is, every aspect of Google (from real estate spending to food purchasing) is accurate and correct, after a detailed accounting."

Google today released ending March 31, in the first quarter of fiscal 2011 earnings. Report, Google for the first quarter revenue 85.8 billion, an increase of 27 percent. Google first-quarter net income for 65.4 million us dollars, than last year the corresponding period grows 29% of 50.6 billion dollars.

Report, Google for the first quarter revenue 85.8 billion, an increase of 27 percent. According to the us gaap, Google net profit for the first quarter from the same period last year 23.0 billion, for 1.96 billion. Not according to the us gaap, Google 26.4 billion in the first quarter net profit for $21.8 billion for the same period last year;

According to the us gaap, Google first quarter earnings per share last year for $7.04 606 dollars for earnings per share. Not according to the us gaap, Google first quarter earnings per share, during the same period last year for $808 6.76 dollars; for earnings per share
By March 31, 2011, Google globally were hired 26316 full-time employees, by December 31, 2010 for 24400 name.

About the Author: My name is xia zihui from , China Metal Pens , China Manual Pencil Sharpener, welcome to visite Permanent Marker Pens .

Keywords: China Metal Pens , China Manual Pencil Sharpener

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