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The following article was published in our article directory on March 31, 2011.
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The pearl river delta 26 toll booths and cancel the boss shout miseries

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Amanda xzh

Sources: oceans nets - guangzhou daily March 31 2011 07:20 me two sentences (61) copy link print medium sized medium

Cancel the toll fee, the first bridge. Reporter LuZheng perturbation

Vehicle speed through a toll. Reporter LuZheng perturbation

Shenzhen SEC officials say, cancel cross-border toll booths will promote the integration, accelerating hui deep enterprise economic construction. Whitaker deep enterprise

Yesterday, deep enterprise in three important moments Whitaker, three city boundary 21 toll fee, in addition, also cancelled the wutong mountain tunnel of shenzhen city with guangzhou and dongguan toll on one side of the border flax chung, dongguan, a wide garden, enterprise, sha tin four tollbooth also cancel charges. Within a day of 26 toll, bead stop charge!

Shenzhen transportation committee officials say, cross-border tollbooth cancel fee, will vigorously promote the development of the hui integration deep enterprise, speed up economic construction, Whitaker deep enterprise optimize the investment environment, reduce the cost of the trip.

Following the traffic transport infrastructure management related staff, told reporters that the 2008 province in 2012 document request, before the end of the pearl river delta region, to two steps, the first step to cancel tollbooth charges for regional membership to each other, the second step in pearl river delta interpenetration pass. He revealed, toll fee, municipal cancelled according to their respective standard will still be charged to the city, "pass after vehicles whether unified, unified, even when provinces such as communications department approval rear can decisions".


Wen/reporter Cai, LiaoJiaMing, CuiNingNing Chiang, QinZhongYang, gives red, timofeev e v.unsteady TangGongJie, WangGaoCai destruction, YuLiPing, ChenJie,,, LiJiHang huaying combine

XuJiaoHui, WeiXin hair correspondent

Direct: around

Tollbooth downsizing

Traffic is very smooth

Yesterday morning at 10, reporter come to vow in provincial 255 shuttle place with dongjiang bridge bridge tollbooth. The reporter sees station implement one-way charge (dongguan to huizhou direction), a total of six passes with ways, but only opened two, two in each tollbooths a crew, still in charge of the vehicle to passing toll. "We've got to stop charging the notice, 10 when 30 points will be on time." free release Charging researchers say the station.

Reporter in five minutes observe tollbooths, rough calculation, average every minutes after about ten cars. Each car outside, have to stop car passed on dongguan local expends, and paid a car because pass, then can directly through. When traffic is relatively concentrated, charging channels when waiting for capture expends for 10 meters or so, team owners need to spend at least 2 minutes of time, but the whole passage may through smoothly.

"Tollbooth preset for daily 3,000 car traffic, but ferial in actual traffic around 1,100 car, the daily to nonlocal car about 3 million the charges." The bridge is carried YongJun said deregulation plan fee.

The dongguan stop charges

And shenzhen ubisoft's mansion, loose the border: field, wild goose, and enterprise LiGuang, enterprise,;

And huizhou border: enterprise, enterprise bridge, and for occurrence QiaoDong bridge, tian enterprise bridge, enterprise, bird's nest,;

And guangzhou border: hemp chung, shatin, extensive park, enterprise.

The most busy tollbooth

Nearly billion in charge

Shenzhen stop charges

City: wutong mountain tunnel toll booths

And the dongguan border: ubisoft's mansion, loose Ann, cattle lake, large puddle, LiGuang, qiang

And huizhou border: sha tin, six league

The garage boss shout


From shenzhen ping hill in huiyang area with new fair six league border town of less than 200 meters toll huiyang new fair a garage on one side of the garage from meizhou, LiLaoBan heard tollbooth stop charge, very happy, "this bitter days really get round ah."

Originally, he came here in 2002, here also axed without tollbooth (then tollbooth located in shenzhen, when considering the hillock) is to do business, unexpectedly deep whist in 2003 on both sides of the toll gangnan moved here, just from his garage less than 200 meters, the car stop charging 10 yuan.

Yesterday, the reporter of 11 26 points in shenzhen songgang dongguan changan border with pine Ann tollbooth see cars, intercourse is very big, every minute of at least 40 more cars to pass. Although closed three lanes of traffic, but smooth.

Shenzhen transportation fees collection station, told reporters HuangLePing vice webmaster, shenzhen's largest toll is loose a highway toll booth, is also one of the most busy traffic, the average daily as more than 40,000, trains average toll fee last year more than 30 million yuan, stayed high-as close to one million yuan.

Communication: pass

The deep enterprise continuously cross-border 21 Whitaker toll fee, doing not cancel is not big, but whether it can be like three pearl river west bank cities that implement one-year mutual recognition?

Our reporter from huizhou tolls yesterday that, although membership management center no deep enterprise this interchange hui three cities issued the documents pass, but surely future drive away place highway to dongguan, shenzhen sure need not pay cost. And already dismissed last year huizhou highway toll booth, all over the place for a vehicle years votes open.

Direct effect:

The convenience of residents and enterprises

Following party secretary LiuZhiGeng: "the most basically is convenient civilians, followed by improve transport capacity. No matter what I do, welfare for common people is most important, reduce the burden of the people is the most radical of all."

Residents miss li: "I live in the dongguan changan in shenzhen baoan work, main consideration. Initially housing prices cheaper, for the job convenient home. Every day buy a car is one of the things the most blonde commuting to pay an extra $17 toll, one month is 400 dollars. Now shenzhen and dongguan, my monthly fee while cancel a less traffic spending almost 1/3!"

Song KaiTong logistics manager: "we company business across the pearl river delta, while huawei is its big customer. Huawei in shenzhen and dongguan bantian songshan lake has two production base, two bases often want to mutual goods among KaiTong logistics can be mailed, communication equipment of transport business, more than 20 cars a day 24 hours, according to both go deep enterprise back a van calculated, 5 train every day 20 van. The trains had LiGuang 200 toll toll, occasionally will have. LiGuang tollbooth cattle lake toll free, a car can save cost 20 | 30 yuan, one year only for the cargo transportation of China more than 140 million yuan can save."

Long-term effects:

Ascending via regional economy

Shenzhen university transportation and logistics department associate professor wang jiang hui for deep enterprise three toll for cancellation fee agrees, "car chang its flow, facilitate line" is transportation the supreme goal.

Wang jiang said: "stop toll fee on shenzhen, dongguan and huizhou regional economic development has a positive influence. First reduced people travel costs, the logistics cost, especially boundaries etc. In more specific populations benefit traffic system under which spanned more give force to stop charging)." He thinks, the cancellation of the toll, to shenzhen economy to further improve the radiation ability.

Shenzhen special economic zone of China research center, university professor GaoXingMin think tollbooth stop charging shows that the government to realize the integration of determination and strength pearl, "can bring social lower transaction costs, let people and logistics more conveniently, fast."


West bank cancelled for the accommodation of large toll

Shunde enterprise jiangmen "enclosure" busy

And the east coast large-scale last year compared to cancel a toll fee of west bank have been revoked, a toll more than a year, the subsequent effect on gradually emerged.

Shunde to jiangmen, from the nearest way is to live by the lotus pond, tide are Ann can direct jiangmen city even until 2010, shunde car entering jiangmen must pass two ways, one is the lotus pond toll bridge, a toll is boom, become cut off even bridge both exchanges toll of two "tiger". However, with the January 1, 2010 - xijiang bridge the cancellation of the toll, greatly contributed to the our economic and personnel exchanges.

According to introducing, along with the lotus pond cancellation of toll qianhu bridge from last year, there has been a lot of shunde enterprise to jiangmen investigation, has planning in kaiping cui mountain lake industry shift garden YuanZhongYuan "established", undertake shunde enterprise.

The news from jiangmen aspects, currently shunde some chamber has organizations of enterprise to jiangmen investigation, which last year with more than 30 December it in shunde "jianghu status" boss to cui mountain lake district on investment environment. And this month, 18, shunde ronggui chamber of commerce also organization more than 40 entrepreneurial industrial shift to cui mountain lake park, has signed a visit with investment intentions of the enterprise or the total investment of about 20 million yuan.

In addition, the reporter understands, as the zhongshan connection foshan, guangzhou, "" north gate in shandong chicken tollbooth revoked, dongfeng town before this route traffic average in eight million vehicles or so, and, after a toll in revocation increased many cars," many are used to "return to the orbiting vehicle traffic increases, of course," to the local bring new opportunities and business opportunities." Zhongshan city traffic bureau official told reporters. And to cancel the most profound, feel a toll is still have to the citizens of every after. "Go more smoothly and the mood more happy!"

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