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The following article was published in our article directory on March 22, 2011.
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Zhengzhou XingYang 5 city 1 county district 1 excess fluorine phenomenon existing water

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: xia zihui

Your teeth will yellow, can a bone-by-bone away, this is a local fluorosis performance. Zhengzhou city XingYang such 5 ZhongMou, such as rural areas is local jinshui district of fluorosis area.

Yesterday, prevention and control work conference held in zhengzhou is endemic. Zhengzhou XianShiOu all 12 lack iodine, five city 1 county and rural areas of jinshui district water containing fluorine is higher, ZhongMou baisha town water more arsenic.

5 city 1 county district 1 is endemic fluorosis incidence area

Chew sugar cane, chew a teeth would drop a yellow teeth, leg ministry deformation... These are endemic fluorosis performance.

"Zhengzhou municipal and XingYang such 5 ZhongMou, rural areas, all existence jinshui district excess fluorine phenomenon, is water local fluorosis incidence area." Zhengzhou meeting yesterday, the centers for disease control and prevention WeiJianJun endemic, said long coco zhengzhou exist idd, local fluorosis, local arsenic poisoning three key endemic, endemic can prevent not cure.

2003 to 2007, zhengzhou CDC relevant personage for five years of investigation, the shallow ground water appeared, found that excess fluorine phenomenon.

The lesions is mainly manifested in the exposure of the teeth and bones, namely fluorotic teeth and endemic fluorosis. Fluorotic teeth for enamel chalk the performance, chromatic, defect samples change and severe wear etc. Skeletal performance for haunch and systemic joint pain, joint activities is limited, bone deformation, and even cause paralysis. WeiJianJun caused by fluorine, "said the tooth phenomenon, cleaning is not working."

12 XianShiOu all lack iodine, eat kelp eat more DianYan

"From 2004, zhengzhou start in the city." in iodine testing Zhengzhou public health bureau GuJianQin said, in 2007, the research results out a survey and are short, zhengzhou 12 XianShiOu iodine.

In WeiJianJun eyes, iodine deficiency is a very general questions, except Shanghai does not exist outside lack iodine problems and other places all lack iodine.

"Pregnant women and children under 2 years of age, should absorb enough iodine, otherwise will affect children's intellectual development." WeiJianJun said that in their survey, they found that some pregnant women intake, resulting in iodine content enough neonatal mental deficiency. He suggested, peacetime life, the public can eat kelp, etc are rich in iodine seafood.

ZhongMou baisha town water more arsenic

Investigation still shows, ZhongMou baisha town water more arsenic.

"If a local arsenic poisoning words, man's hands and feet appear too thick cutin." WeiJianJun said, but there ZhongMou did not find someone getting sick.

"Shallow water also contains arsenic, from prevention Angle, if the Wells is endemic to 180 meters will play much safer." WeiJianJun said.

"The arsenic is arsenic?" Have citizens have such doubt. "Arsenic is arsenic trioxide." WeiJianJun such explanations, and local arsenic poisoning just said the water element of arsenic overweight.

"' 1025 'goal is to eliminate iodine deficiency, sustained damage and basically eliminate the water type local fluorosis, arsenic poisoning harm." Zhengzhou public health bureau, said GuJianQin zhengzhou all opened health school all knowledge popularization educational sessions, endemic.

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