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The following article was published in our article directory on March 14, 2011.
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Article Category: Advice
Author Name: Boruch Fishman
The Japanese earthquake and tsunami that has wrecked devastating havoc on Japan, follows on the heels of the public release of a prophecy by the enigmatic mystic Friend G. that included a series of 100% accurate predictions about earthquakes, tsunamis and other natural disasters that would occur after the start of 2005. In that year, Friend G. asked attendees at a private meeting to draw a world map. He proceeded to point out countries that would be hit by natural disasters in the next few years. He named the countries the times and the types of natural disasters that would occur. Subsequently Friend G. added that terrible disasters will occur in 2012, which will result in the death of 9 out of 10 people on the planet Earth. According to the account of one attendee, Great Sun, every prediction has come true exactly as Friend G. described. Great Sun's account is detailed in his Viking release "Super Life Secret Codes."
The Viking author released Friend G's remarks about 2012 to the public only a week before the Japanese earthquake. Subsequently, a video about the prophecies was posted on You Tube only two days before the devastating event.
The earthquake and tsunami underscores just how vulnerable modern man is to the ravages of nature. While the loss of as many as 10,000 Japanese and millions if not billions of dollars worth of property is tragic, the consequences could have been even worse. What, for example, would have happened if the explosion next to the nuclear reactor had triggered a nuclear blast? And just how close was that explosion to triggering such a horrifying event.
What effects will occur from the 8 foot movement of the whole Island of Japan that the quake, the worst in Japan's history has caused? How much can a whole island populated by millions of people be moved before devastating consequences occur?
These questions and more must raise serious questions in the minds of people who would cast aside the predictions of Friend G. about 2012 as mere nonsense, or as an eventuality that simply will not occur.
A significant unknown, as yet, in evaluating the Friend G. prophecies is the exact contents of the map he had people draw back in 2005. Without seeing the map, it is impossible to know which natural disasters Friend G. pinpointed, just how serious they were, and whether or not his predictions include a continuum of natural disasters leading up to 2012 or whether he only prophesied about the period recorded in the Viking book, with a skip up to the 2012 predictions. Also, unknown, is where Friend G. predicted that future devastation will occur from other types of disasters then earthquakes and tsunamis, for example from a nuclear war. These questions cannot be answered until such time as Great Sun, author of the Viking release "Super Life Secret Codes," sees fit to release more details to the public about the world map that Friend G. had followers draw at a private gathering in 2005.
Keywords: 2012, Earthquake, Japanese, Prophecy, Tsunami
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