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The following article was published in our article directory on March 17, 2011.
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Tapping into the Brain's Power - Using Binaural Beats Therapeutically

Article Category: Self Help

Author Name: Hunter Adams

It has been discovered by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove on 1893 and now more and more experiment have sprouted supporting the fact that it can help alter a person's state of mind through brainwave entrainment. This is more than just a typical therapy that restores the body's homeostasis because it can help in resolving some of men's current problems such as addiction, depression, decrease mental alertness, lack of energy, weight gain, nervousness and so much more. But what are binaural beats in the first place? How is it produced and how can it produce so much therapeutic effect? These are just some of the questions that are bothering some and knowing the answer to these may just help clear confusions and scepticisms out.

Binaural tones are made when the brain interprets two different tones from each ear. For example, the left ear is listening to 100 Hz tone while the other ear is listening to a 118 Hz tone. Both tones have a difference of 18 Hz. As these two tones are listened to, the brain interprets this and hears a third beat which is 18 Hz when there is in fact really no third beat. It is just interpreted that way by the brain. This third beat is the one that alters a person's state/consciousness by affecting the brainwave. Thus, a therapeutic effect happens as a result.

Different tones with varying difference in frequencies have different output/effect that a person may find beneficial. For example, 2 to 3 Hz can alleviate anxiety and pain which can be helpful for those experience chronic pain or even labor. A difference of 10 Hz is beneficial for those experiencing depression because it can elevate the mood releases serotonin in the body. For students or individuals who need sharper concentrations, 13 to 16 Hz is recommended to produce a desired effect. Before investing in any binaurals beat mp3 in the market, try checking first what effect it promises to deliver before buying/putting money into one.

It is preferred to use a headset while listening to these beats in order to isolate the sound. The environment should be free from external factors that might divide a person's attention such as mobile phones, computers or other distractions. But there are some studies that suggest that white noise, music, breathing exercises and guided imagery enhances the effects of the beats compared to just listening to it passively. Using this in tandem with other therapy that enhances a person's well being and mental state can make it more effective than individually done.

The brain has limitless potential that has not yet been discovered or used by anybody yet. There are phenomenon such as the placebo effect and the power of suggestion that tricks the brain into healing the body and the mind. To be able to actually manipulate the brainwaves by these miraculous binaurals can provide such drastic changes that can influence a person's lifestyle, habit, emotions and state of mind. This gives the people the opportunity to tap into their brain's power in order to make themselves a renewed and better person.

About the Author: To learn more about these powerful tools then visit Binaural and Beats. This great tool has changed hundreds of lives accessing altered states of mind quickly. Master the proper techniques and get the most out of your Binaural Beat exerience.

Keywords: Binaural Beats, Binaurals, Brainwave Entrainment, Free Binaural Beats, Binaural Beats mp3, Binaural Tones, Binaural Beat Downloads

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