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The following article was published in our article directory on March 2, 2011.
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Article Category: Advice
Author Name: Boruch Fishman
The Mayan Long Count Calendar is nearing the end of an epic 5,126 year cycle that is described as the harbinger of a great spiritual transformation in the world. There is also evidence that the creation of the calendar dates backs to the times of the great Biblical figure Seth and that the calendar cycle corresponds with the time of the reestablishment of the Jewish Temple and the Jewish Messianic redemption. How is this possible?
According to Mayan and western experts, the current Mayan cycle of time began in the year 3114 BCE. According to Jewish history 3114 BCE was during the lifetime of the great Biblical figures Seth. Seth, the third son of Adam, was an expert astronomer. According to Jewish history, Seth was the father of the science of astronomy, and recorded his findings on two pillars, one of stone and one of brick, to preserve them for future generations. But how could Seth, a Middle Eastern scholar, have passed on his teachings to the Mayans?
According to some traditions, the descendants of Adam were world travelers. Many believe that Kenan, Seth's grandson, a genius in his own right, is buried on an island in the Indian Ocean. A monument on the island marks his resting place and records his prophecy and an account of the great flood, which subsequently occurred during the time of Noah. Even if Seth was the originator of the wisdom that led to the development of the Mayan Long Count Calendar, how does that relate to what is happening today, and how is Jewish messianic prophecy related to the Long Count Calendar?
The Long Count Calendar passed down in Mayan culture comes complete with a complex mythological tradition that suggests changes are to take place in the world on Dec. 21, 2012. What are these changes?
According to Mayan tradition, the winter solstice sun symbolizes One Hunaphu, who was supplanted by his successor, Seven Macaw. Mayans believe One Hunaphyu will resurrect when the winter solstice sun aligns with the dark rift in the center of the Milky Way, known today as Sagittarius A, the large black hole around which all stars in the Milky Way orbit.
In Mayan cosmology, the dark rift or dark road in the center of the Milky Way is likened to a goal post in a cosmic sporting event, and the alignment of the Sun with the rift signifies the Sun or celestial ball being kicked into the goal. When this happens, the rule of Seven Macaw will be ending. What does this cosmology have to do with Judaism?
Jewish life is centered around the Sabbath observance. The Jewish day of rest occurs on the day of the week named after the slowest moving planet Saturn, (Saturn-day = Saturday). On that day, Jews rest and commune with the fixed stars, space and the creator of space, which transcend the seven moving planets. This gives Jews a certain psychological advantage over other cultures.
To explain this advantage it is helpful to understand the myth about Draco. According to one ancient myth, Draco, the constellation that orbits the North Star, spins the seven moving planets that are seen by the naked eye, in its tail. This creates a captivating hypnotic force which holds most of creation on the Earth in its grip. As one psychologist put it the appearance of the planets that are seen to move by the naked eye, in contrast to the fixed stars, is unsettling to the human ego because it projects an image of impermanence. The changing appearance of the moving stars, Sun and Moon included reminds us of our own impermanence.
The Jewish Sabbath is meant to counteract the hypnotic spell of the planets spun in Draco's tail. However, people in other cultures don't have this benefit. On a cosmic scale, however, the end of the Mayan Long Count Calendar provides a counterbalance. The winter solstice sun is the time when the Sun is at its weakest, so the spell it casts on the Earth is diminished. On Dec 21, 2012, something even more powerful occurs. The Sun conjuncts with the dark rift, which Mayans called Xibalba be. It will be as if the power of the Sun, the greatest of the seven moving bodies is totally neutralized. The proof of this, in Mayan tradition, is the fact that the reign of Seven Macaw will be ending.
The number seven is specifically related in astronomy to the seven moving planets. Mayan cosmology seems to be saying that the power of the seven moving heavenly bodies to hold man in the grip of their incessant movement will be ending on that day and the rule of the One, of One Hunaphu, will be reestablished. In this sense, Jewish cosmology and world cosmology are coming in line. It should therefore be no surprise that Jews, who have been historically denigrated and persecuted in so many cultures have at least returned to Israel and are today respected by most of the world. Efforts in Israel to return Jewish temple worship are also progressing as Jews in Israel seek, once again, to bring the Passover sacrifice on the Temple Mount. Jewish mysticism, which for centuries has been hidden in closed communities is, at it were, suddenly extroverting and appearing on a large cosmic scale. The reunification of different religious traditions at this time in humanity was predicted by Great Sun in his recent viking release "Super Life Secret Codes.: Author Great Sun wrote:
"As religions combine as one and view the Universe as the ultimate being, this change may replace the modern religious system."
The conclusion of this analysis is that Seth not only established the Long Count Calendar, but foresaw the great spiritual tribulations and transformations that will take place as this cycle ends.
Keywords: 2012, Prophecies, Mayan,descendants
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