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The following article was published in our article directory on March 1, 2011.
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Steve Jobs Struggled Against Disease For Eight Years History

Article Category: Business

Author Name: xia zihui

There is a joke was so say: in the worldwide scale, there are two activities will prompt geek (artists geek, describe the transliteration of "control") faking IT off: one is the latest episode of the Star Wars release, 2 it is apple chief executive Steve jobs published keynote speech. Recently, jobs also leave - he needn't faking it, he has been ill.

Since October 2003 fortune magazine diagnosed with pancreatic cancer disclosure jobs since he preceded July 2004 to accept pancreatic surgery, and again in 2009 April a liver transplant. Last month as 17, apple's employee again received his leave mail, reason is still health problems. This time, he did not indicate regression apple date.

Steve jobs body health, affects global apple lovers and investors of heart. If we just will jobs as a patient, the world famous patients experienced? He exactly get what disease? How he walked all the way?


"Rare pancreatic cancer" resection

"I've been honorits. Later that day I made a cell biopsies, doctors will endoscope in my throat, via stomach arrived in the intestines. He needle biopsy my pancreas, from the tumor cells take some. I've been taking tranquilizers, accompany in side's wife told me, when the doctor under a microscope examination cells, they began to scream. The reason is, this is a kind of very rare pancreatic cancer, can pass surgery cured. I had the surgery and I'm fine now." In 2005, jobs at Stanford university speech, the first two years ago by his side of the story of sadness turns xi experience.

October 2003, what jobs once will sicken news to a few close friends. However, as a buddhist and vegetarian, what jobs is not prepared to accept surgery, he is inconsistent with the mainstream of modern medical psychology, this makes friends feel extremely upset. He tried to use special diet to achieve the purpose of pancreatic cancer treatment. Unfortunately, his methods have been ineptly done.

At first, doctors say jobs with cancer, and is called "cancer" king of pancreatic cancer. Many doctors are know, pancreatic cancer once looking, basic belongs to the terminal. Although per 100,000 in the crowd, for only 4-6 people each year pancreatic cancer, but its biggest characteristic is a high mortality rate. Generally speaking, the patient appears pancreatic cancer symptoms (epigastric discomfort, sore, jaundice, etc.), average life is about nine months, the 5-year survival rate under 2%.

Steve jobs writer lived to be now? Hasn't he otherwise in pancreatic cancer? The answer is, what jobs have disease not be strictly pancreatic cancer, but rodent insulinoma cell. However, due to the personal health information without jobs to external disclosure, simply dubbed the cap, a lot of pancreatic cancer routine ations and media according to the most common type of pancreatic cancer that survive, it is not difficult to get jobs a year the judgment.

Rodent insulinoma cell is a kind of pancreas neuroendocrine tumor, the national each year about 3,000 patients incidence. The main characteristic of this tumor is a hormone secreted, large, affect digestive function and the body other functions. If you want to understand what is this what kind of cancer, get first familiar with the relevant knowledge of the pancreas. Pancreas by endocrine department and ministry WaiFenBi composed. WaiFenBi department is the main part of the pancreas, it is responsible for secretion pancreatic juice, which contain a variety of digestive enzymes, help digest food. Endocrine department mainly refers to islet cells, it is WaiFenBi between the scattered, can secrete a variety of endocrine hormone, regulating body metabolism. For example, type 2 diabetes is because islet of B cells secrete insulin caused by abnormal.

Usually, people said of pancreatic cancer, is mainly refers to occur in WaiFenBi department of malignant tumors. And jobs of this neural endocrine neoplasms with the "personality" still calculate tame. First, the pancreas neuroendocrine the malignant tumor degree is not tall. Secondly, this type of tumor, slow growth in patients after surgical resection of the prognosis is generally good.

On July 31, 2004, Sunday, what jobs in the neighborhood Stanford university medical center, accept tumor resection operation. While in tumor removed before, except the fortune magazine reported outside, apple and he himself did not give a little lights. On August 1, Monday, apple's employees to work received jobs in the mail. He told everybody, he just cured a threat to the life of the disease. He also assure you, he would be back in September.

Despite the jobs of pancreatic cancer surgery name, but most people aren't guess is Whipper surgery. This kind of surgery is the pancreatic cancer a standard operation resection, need to be part of the pancreas, gallbladder, part of the stomach and intestines, known as is general the hardest a surgical operation risk of the type, the largest also. If a jobs accepts is Whipper surgery, the pancreas (internal and external secretory function abate, easy to appear inappetence, indigestion, gastric ulcer even diabetes. Patients digestion and absorption function becomes poor, postoperative will lose weight 5% | 10%.

However, what jobs of pancreatic surgery size, we don't know how. He had the nerve endocrine neoplasms, exactly is benign or malignant, also hard to give an accurate judgment. But he also talked about in the mail, he will not need chemotherapy or radiation therapy. If this information is completely true, we can infer that jobs have is a benign tumor, killing the specter of is not high.

Although pancreatic cancer risk is not tall, but actively prevention strategies still meaningful. First, smoking is a recognized pancreatic cancer risk factors, any moment quit smoking will never be too late. Second, the deelopment of pancreatic cancer and dietary structure, diet and nutrition are closely related. High protein, high cholesterol type diet can promote deelopment of pancreatic cancer, nutrition overly may increase the risk of pancreatic cancer.

In addition, chronic pancreatitis about 1/3 are likely to pancreatic cancer transformation, Some typical family history of the disease, may also inherited cancer syndrome with pancreatic cancer occurs related. Many doctors proposal, to the age is more than 40 years old, smoking, drinking a history, if appear epigastrium nonspecific unwell, should be alert pancreatic cancer

About the Author: I am xia zihui contain a great deal of information about used hummer h1,straw cowboy hats,laptop sleeve 15.4

Keywords: used hummer h1,straw cowboy hats,laptop sleeve 15.4,

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