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The following article was published in our article directory on February 24, 2011.
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Earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand and the 2012 Paradigm Shift.

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Boruch Fishman

Christchurch, New Zealand a city whose name makes it an archetype and an iconoclast, has been rocked by a severe earthquake, a 7.3 on the Richter scale. The disaster illustrates once more just how impersonal and unforgiving Earthquakes are. When the powerful subterranean forces rip through a city they are no respecter of persons, wealth or even symbols. In this case, a city named after a symbol of religiosity has been unceremoniously toppled.

This incident illustrates a paradigm of destruction that as seen throughout the movie 2012. As multiple mega-tsunamis swallow up civilization, the movie screen depicts the giant monster waves destroying one landmark after another. New York City, the White House and the Vatican all fell before the beastly waves. These scenes, which fill the screen, have packed the movie houses, evidence that the archetype of raw nature tearing apart the bastions of hoary cultural and religious institutions, has resonated deeply in the minds and hearts of the people who were in attendance, What is it that is happening here, and what is occurring in incidents like these that has sparked such an interest in so many? The topic is covered in the book "Super Life Secret Codes," a Viking release by author Great Sun.

Great Sun states in a letter in the appendix of his book:

"In the upcoming century... people will be able to connect to the Universe directly." He goes on to write:
"For those religious leaders who play tricks and fool their believers, they should know the Universe will eventually be the final winner. If you keep doing the wrong things you will eventually be punished. If your religious structures suffer damage for any unknown reasons, remember this is just the first step of the Universes' punishment.

The earthquake that struck Christchurch is in an event reminiscent of scenes form 2012. In the midst of the violent quake, the spire of the town's church was toppled. The juxtaposition of hitherto sacrosanct institutions and the raw power of nature makes people reconsider their relationship to the Universe and weakens their faith in man made institutions to shelter them from the ravages of the natural world. This is the vestigial beginning of the paradigm shift which seers and experts say will characterize the post-2012 world, when mankind enters the New Mayan Sun world, and learns to relate directly to the Universe, without the need for intermediaries such as religious doctrines and institutions.

Keywords: 2012, Earthquake, Christchurch, Earthquake, New Zealand

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