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The following article was published in our article directory on February 11, 2011.
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Guide To The latest 2012 End Of World Prophecies

Article Category: Society

Author Name: Adam Gregory

Mayan prophecy offers some revelations to modern astronomers on what will happen to the world in 2012. Masses of folks do not understand the way the calendar works. They just judge the earth will come to an end on 21st of December 2012 because their calendar ends at this date. In actual fact the Mayans are just attempting to point out the great cycle will end with a new beginning. It doesn't actually mean the whole earth will be wrecked on 21st December 2012.

Mayans are expert in varied astronomic aspects like the solar system and Milky Way. The Mayans gave a prophecy the world have thirteen years to turn away from their noxious nature. Mayans believed that the world will become in unity and stop struggling with one another on the 21st December 2012. The sun, known as Kinich-Ahau by the Mayans frequently line up with the central galaxy. The sun will shine more brightly when it receives a spark of light. Solar flares is accountable for causing the spark of light. It also causes changes in the magnetic field of the sun.

According to the Mayans, solar flares happens each 5125 years. Solar flares can cause natural catastrophes due to the displacement during earth rotation. The Mayans said that the last civilizations finished because of a great flood. The flood was so great that almost all of the individuals that live on earth die. There are just a few survivors from their clan that find a way to survive. The Mayans expounded the upcoming changes that is going to take place on the 21st of December 2012 will set off a humanity to enters into a new civilization. The civilization will cause humankind to have compassions on one another and live in peace with one another.

Not just the Mayans made this prophecy, other cultures and soothsayers also made these prophecies. Soothsayer like Nostradamus use black wizardry to conjure up devil and give revelations about the year 2012. According to Nostradamus, an enormous comet will pass by the earth. When the comet passes by the earth, the waves will rise by one thousand feet. It is claimed that Florence, Rome and other parts of Italy will be influenced by the great flood. The flood will be so great that many people can't find dry land to escape. The Bible claims that there will be wars around the globe. Some Christians prophesied a one world government will be set up during the end time. During end time, the one world executive will force everybody to worship the picture of the animal and take the 666 mark. Anybody who declines to get the mark will be killed without mercy. The head of the one world state will be a president who has attained all of the high positions on earth. He will not be himself but someone who is controlled by the devil. Pictures about the doomsday had been released. The most popular picture about doomsday is produced by Hollywood Sony Pictures producers.

About the Author: The end of world latest predictions is for 2012. Learn what this buzz is all about and make you mind on this valuable question that is Is the world going to end in 2012?.

Keywords: 2012, end of world, mayan predictions

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