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The following article was published in our article directory on January 17, 2011.
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China Cleaning Energy Investment Leading Global

Article Category: Business

Author Name: xia zihui

Research institutions in China last year data, clean energy new investment reached 2430 billion dollars, well below the 2009 revised data 1865 billion dollars rose 30%, and made last year became clean energy investment by far the most rapid growth this year, more than 6 years investment doubled, and become a clean energy investment amount so far the largest country.

The international energy net news: according to research institutions of new energy finance (bloomberg) BNEF the latest statistics, in China invest in clean energy and European maritime wind power and pv roof investment of substantial increasing impetus, 2010 clean energy new investment reached 2430 billion dollars, well below 2009 revised data 1865 billion dollars rose 30%, and makes the 2010 become clean energy investment by far the most rapid growth this year, more than in 2006 investment doubled in 2004, is five times the total amount of investment.

2010 China clean energy investments rose 30% to 511 million us dollars, become so far will be clean energy investment amount's biggest countries. 2009 asia-pacific investment more than America and in 2010 further narrowing with Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and other clean energy as one of the world's major investment regional gap.

According to BNEF data, government and enterprise for clean energy technology research and development spending in 2010 rose to record levels. Mainly government r&d investment, from 2009 158 billion dollars rose to $21 billion, And enterprise development, from 2009 recession hit 128 million dollars gradually recovered to 144 billion dollars. Global clean energy research total spending to 355 billion dollars.

Venture capital and private equity investment 2010 year-on-year growth of 28% reached 88 billion dollars, but haven't reached $11.8 billion in 2008 the highest record.

Public market investment from 2008 and 2009 recession lows rebounded, 2010 year-on-year growth of 18% to 174 billion dollars. But compared with the 2007 clean-energy companies from the stock market to melt the 246 billion dollars still have difference. 2010 clean energy financing the largest trading from Italy state power company November as high as 35 billion dollars, and Chinese IPO in Hong Kong junwu technology on October 11 billion dollars to raise the IPO. But it is worth noting, 2010 clean energy shares average performance, new energy global innovation index fell 14.6 per cent, while the standard &poor's 500 index is up more than 20%.

Subdivide industry, in 2010 are the most significant characteristic is in solar power investment in Europe small-scale distributing energy power projects investment of substantial increasing impetus, 49 percent year-on-year to 893 billion dollars. BNEF estimates, 86% of small-scale solar power investment have occurred in power tariff law is carried out in the region. Wind power of investment accounts for the overall investment (31%), $9.6 billion dollars. It is worth noting, which mainly by China or 38% of large European maritime wind the contribution. Energy intelligent technology such as intelligent power grid, energy management, electric cars and storage, etc in 2010, financing also reached a record $23billion year-on-year, 27%.

In other industries, biofuels investment nearly unchanged, 2010 overall investment from 2009 81 billion dollars slightly dropped to $79 billion in 2006, is far less than the American corn ethanol bubble times as high as 209 billion investment record. Biomass, waste energy-oriented field disparity stable, than of the 2009 to 120 million dollars fell to 116 million dollars.

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Keywords: phat baby clothes,knee office chair,white topaz earrings,

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