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The following article was published in our article directory on January 7, 2011.
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Carrefour refuse to rise the price

Article Category: Business

Author Name: Amanda xzh

Carrefour refuse to rise the price 10% and KangShifu stop supplying, the negotiation come to a deadlock

There are almost 10 kinds of productions lacking of in ChongQing Carrefour, but this situation is not happen in other market.

It is reported form cheaponsale: because of Carrefour refuse to rise the price , KangShifu is taking action to stop supplying the productions.

Cheaponsale report that the incident is affecting all the Carrefour in Chongqing

Cheaponsale found that Wal-mart , New century and Yonghui market are not facing the problem of lacking of goods.

A leader of Carrefour told the reporter of cheaponsale, nowadays,Carrefour in ChongQing has already increased the prince of KangShifu , but KangShifu request that to increase the price of wholesale price , and the two sides don't make a deal. So the supplying production are decreasing. So it leads to this situation.

Cheaponsale thinks that this phenomenon is quite familiar to us. When the producter and seller argue with each other . Firstly it will hurt oursevels the buyers . So we hope that the government should perfect the Prince Law.

Carrefour refuse to rise the price

Cheaponsale thinks that this phenomenon is quite familiar to us. When the producter and seller argue with each other . Firstly it will hurt oursevels the buyers . So we hope that the government should perfect the Prince Law.

Even if the Americans are tried, however, there is still a chance they could be released fairly soon. Iranian-American journalist Roxana Saberi was convicted of espionage and sentenced to eight years in prison, before she was released on an appeal in May.

Canadian-Iranian journalist Maziar Bahari of Newsweek was released in October on bail and allowed to leave the country after being swept up in the post-election crackdown on street protests.

In particular, he drew a link between the case of the three Americans and the trial in the U.S. of Amir Hossein Ardebili, an Iranian who faces up to 140 years in prison after pleading guilty to plotting to ship sensitive U.S. military technology to Iran.

According to court papers, Ardebili worked as a procurement agent for the Iranian government and acquired thousands of components, including military aircraft parts, night vision devices, communications equipment and Kevlar. U.S. federal authorities targeted him in 2004 after he contacted an undercover storefront set up in Philadelphia to investigate illegal arms trafficking.

The Americans — Shane Bauer, 27, Sarah Shourd, 31, and Josh Fattal, 27 — were detained by Iranian authorities after crossing an unmarked border from northern Iraq.

The echaracteristic of Carrefour : It deponds on the High Admission Costs. It is reported from cheaponsale that the Admission Costs is the most expensive in all the super market.

About the Author: I'm Jerri Lily from , which offers quality products such as China bellyband, medical cushion, and many more. Know more , please visit cervical collar .

Keywords: China bellyband, medical cushion

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