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The following article was published in our article directory on December 31, 2010.
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The Prophesies of Great Sun, Author of Super Life Secret Codes

Article Category: Family Concerns

Author Name: Great Sun

Time really flies! The footstep of another new year is approaching. For the next 365 days, we are going to be bound closely to the number, 2011. May we be blessed with prosperity and happiness!

Upon the arrival of every New Year, it is a common scene that everywhere is brimming with life and happiness. Everyone is surely exhilarated at the thought of making wishes for a brand new year. What is your special wish for the year of 2011? Great Sun, the author of the Super Life Secret Codes, has very perspicacious insight regarding 2011. Rather than being a prophesy, Super Life Secret Codes is perceived to be a truthful and sincere reminder to the global people. It is hoped that the individuals or associations that share affinity with this book could be enlightened by his insight.

According to the prediction made by Great Sun, there is going to be a watershed determining the future of mankind at around 30th June in 2011. By that time, there will be a final judgment to the destiny of human race, be it ominous end or bright future. If the verdict delivered to us is for our self-correction towards the betterment of the future undertaken, there is bound to be an unprecedented reformation in the rationale and order of human society. In contrary, if things are going to develop as what has been foreseen in Mayan prophesies, there will be ceaseless calamities befalling upon us, which in turn leads to the wiping out of human race. When this cycle is activated, there will be a lot of contingencies beyond our grasp and control. By then, all the regrets and prays for peace will be eternally drowned in the slaughtering cries of disasters.

According to the Great Sun, the global people should reach to a consensus within the shortest time, so as to come to a wise decision in choosing the direction that mankind should follow hereafter. If we fail to achieve this before 30th June 2011, the aftermath will be unimaginable. He also does not deny the very fact that there has been plenty of world tycoons who are willing to donate the majority of their own wealth to those needy populations around the world, and this are in fact kind deeds worth commending. Nonetheless, it is of utmost priority for us to grasp the underlying significance concealed in the every sentence of Super Life Secret Codes. We should invest wisely every bit of energy and money in creating awareness, as well as calling for a consensus to be reached among the global people through mass media as soon as possible. This is the most practical and rightful act that should be done by all the influential conglomerates or wealthy ones, in order to show their care for the world. After all, we are in the same boat!

However, the Great Sun refrains himself from making too many predictions, as those predictions are thought to be worthless and even trivial as long we still fail to set our direction right. We can only see the gleams of happiness striking on the Earth if we make serious efforts in showing our mutual care for one another right away!

Great Sun sincerely hopes those who care for the future of the Earth should make their efforts to apprehend the main ideas from Super Life Secret Codes, practice, and spread the ideas in their communities. Recently, heavy precipitation of snow, abrupt changes in world climate and many other strange phenomena have manifested. As what Great Sun has claimed, we should not only perceive that only global warming and other scientific explanations are responsible for the above phenomena. Somehow we cannot really depend solely on contemporary as the science has not really dug into depth so far, yet we cannot bring ourselves to deny a plenty of unprecedented theories or laws. Citing an example, scientists are still clueless about the sharp decline in the surrounding temperature in Australia despite the summer season, right?

Great Sun perceives that we shouldn't simply attempt to explain many of the contemporary abnormal phenomena with any excuse or philosophy. Instead, it is more crucial for us to understand the real significance behind the phenomena. Please do read more from Super Life Secret Codes so that we could show our concern for one another to minimize the harms of disasters at this very moment. It has to be kept in mind that this is not a slogan or any theory; rather this is a life and death issue concerning the future of our latter generations. We are obliged to make a choice!


About the Author: Great Sun is an expert when it comes to 2012 end of the world, 2012 Doomsday, 2012 predictions, 2012 Mayan calander. To find out everything about 2012 predictions, 2012 Mayan calander, visit his website at

Keywords: 2012, 2012 end of the world, 2012 Doomsday, 2012 predictions, 2012 Mayan calander

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