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The following article was published in our article directory on January 6, 2011.
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2012 Predictions of the End of the World

Article Category: Education

Author Name: Great Sun

Remember the 2000 scare? People were in panic world wide because it was said that computers will stop working with the turn of the millennia and the world will come to a stop. When time is about to unfold a new chapter, why do people instantly thinks of disaster, catastrophes and doomsday? Now that the Mayan long count calendar is about to reach its end, 2012 predictions are proliferated in the internet and media.

One of the predictions tells us that the planet Nibiru is going to crash with Earth causing its havoc. Nibiru is a planet supposedly discovered by the Sumerians. Some have found that the orbit of Nibiru goes deep into space and takes about 3600 years to complete its revolution. The said planet is as massive as Jupiter so the collision will undoubtedly be fatal.

Another prediction is from Nostradamus. Nostradamus's predictions have quite proven their accuracy. In fact he has predicted the death of Henry II, 1666 London Fire, the French Revolution, the death of the Kennedy's and Pricess Diana and even the first African-American President of the U.S. He further predicts the coming of three anti-Christ. The first two turned out to be Napoleon and Adolf Hitler. The last anti-Christ, as Nostradamus said, will come from the Greater Arabia and is described as more hideous than the last two anti-Christ. Then, a 27-year long war will be set in motion by this last anti-Christ, after which a 1000 year long peace will occur. After these predictions nothing follows, some interpret this that after World War III will be the end of the world.

Some 2012 predictions also use science as their basis. One of them includes the geomagnetic reversal or polar shift theory. This shift is caused by a massive solar flare from the sun. These flares destructive power is estimated equal to the power of 100 billion atomic bombs and can prove dangerous to satellites orbiting the earth. It is also predicted that there will be a galactic alignment that will occur in 2012, based on a research done by John Jenkins. This alignment of the sun and the super massive black hole at the center of the galaxy, called Sagittarius A will create annihilation of Earth.

Now, the question is should we believe these 2012 predictions? It is an individual's job to discern and evaluate these information and act on it. One thing that people cannot deny are the signs of the Universe. In the book, Super Life Codes, says the Universe has given us a lot of opportunities to better ourselves and it is only up to us to make the decision and seize these opportunities given to us. Everything is just a matter of making the right decision.

If you believe these 2012 predictions it may urge you to make most out of your life right now but isn't it what you ought to have been doing in your life? Think about it.

Super Life Secret Codes is available in Amazon for both paperback and eBook. You must have possession of and thoroughly understand this book in order to obtain...
1. Your ultimate success.
2.Your family to be healthy and safe.
3. A Pleased and self-content career.
4. Financial stability.
5. Your wishes come true.
6.A romantic marriage or relationship.
7. Relief from stress and troubles.
8. Protection from various social toxins.
9. Escape from a difficult circumstance.
10. Freedom to enjoy the love of the Universe.
11. A happy family and successful children.
12. An auspicious and safe living environment.
13. Friendly neighbors and a peaceful society.
14. A society that changes for the better.
15.A world cleared of disasters and blessed with peace.

About the Author: Great Sun is an expert when it comes to 2012 end of the world, 2012 Doomsday, 2012 predictions, 2012 Mayan calander. To find out everything about 2012 predictions, 2012 Mayan calander, visit his website at

Keywords: 2012 end of the world, 2012 Doomsday, 2012 predictions, 2012 Mayan calander

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