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The following article was published in our article directory on January 3, 2011.
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Should you believe the 2012 Predictions?

Article Category: Self Help

Author Name: Great Sun

Nowadays you can't seem to get away from all of them end of days 2012 Predictions. Now that the year 2010 is coming to a close, doomsayers are having a party since to them there is only a single year left for the human race. Now should you be worried too? Before you go out and sell all your property and build an apocalypse-proof shed to ensure your survival, get a clearer idea of what things you should expect come the year 2012.

1. The Mayan long count calendar - The ancient Mayans are said to be a very advanced civilization, their penchant for human sacrifice aside. They are said to have created a very accurate form of calendar, this is said to be much more advanced than the one being used today. This calendar ends on the 21st of December in the year 2012, at this time it is said that the world as we know it will cease to exist. But worry not, they do not say that the world will be destroyed, they tell of the time of chaos ending on that day and the advent of an era of peace. The human race is supposedly going to be mentally awakened, leading to an enlightenment of the whole population, in short there is going to be world peace. Nice isn't it?

2. Nostradamus - You can't talk of doomsday predictions and not even make mention of everybody's favorite doomsayer Nostradamus. Believers say that Nostradamus has correctly foretold all of the major events in world history, including the two world wars, Hitler, even Saddam Hussein and the attack on the twin towers. Unlike the Mayan prophecy, Nostradamus's prediction tells of the world literally getting obliterated by a rogue comet. But don't panic just yet, Nostradamus wrote countless numbers of predictions, and based on his percentage of correct prophecies the odds of this one coming true is relatively slim.

3. The Book of Revelations - The Bible says that the apocalypse will come once the unholy trinity has come to earth. The unholy trinity is the antichrist, the false prophet, and Satan himself. According to the believers, all three of them are now in earth and their minions are gaining in numbers, getting ready for their battle against God and the angels. It is said that God will ultimately win in the end but this victory means the end of the human race, and if you don't repent your sins now there is a definite possibility that you will be on the losing side of the battle of heaven against hell, and no one likes to lose.

These prophecies happening all at the same time seems too much of a coincidence, so says the doomsayers. But the fact is, there have been a lot of prophecies pretty much like these 2012 Predictions of doomsday in the past, and none of them have happened . So chances are that the year 2012 will pass along just like any other year before it.

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About the Author: Great Sun is an expert when it comes to 2012 end of the world, 2012 Doomsday, 2012 predictions, 2012 Mayan calander. To find out everything about 2012 predictions, 2012 Mayan calander, visit his website at

Keywords: 2012 end of the world, 2012 Doomsday, 2012 predictions, 2012 Mayan calander

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