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The following article was published in our article directory on December 21, 2010.
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Musings of a Telephone Techician - Problems With Your Business Telephone System

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Ben Holmes

Many people take their phone system for granted - until it stops working. Then it becomes a matter of extreme urgency - since for many businesses - they are losing money while the phones don't work!

I've been installing and working on telephone systems for over 30 years, and there's a few common problems that I see reoccurring all the time.

Perhaps the biggest problem I see is a lack of a UPS. People will be careful to plug their company network server into an un-interruptible power supply - to ensure that their network doesn't go down - but a good UPS does far more than merely preventing loss of service when your power goes down - it also prevents the power spikes that occur when service goes down or when it comes back on! Electrical equipment is prone to failure under just two circumstances - when the power is too low or too high, and when the temperature gets too hot.

I've only seen one telephone system fail due to high heat - they had located the system in an electrical room with many power transformers - the average temperature in that room was over 90 degrees. Despite my warnings - they did nothing about the situation - and their phone system that should have easily managed a 20 year lifespan or longer... failed in just one year.

Far more common are business telephone systems that are plugged directly into a wall socket. I just returned yesterday from a customer who've had their phone system for 12 years now, but a power spike shut them down. Fortunately, Toshiba phone systems are well engineered, and all it took was a replacement power supply to bring their phone system back to life. Their system is now plugged into a UPS - and they will never be forced to lose their service due to a power spike.

Another problem that I see from time to time is a lack of understanding about modern business telephones. Your home phone is likely powered by the 48 volts that the phone company keeps on the phone lines - but your company business phone system can't use that power source. So when your local power goes down - you lose your phone service. Again - it's so simple to provide in advance a power backup for your system, Toshiba systems will run for hours with a battery backup system in place. Of course, if you have your phone system plugged into a good UPS, you are also protected from service disruption.

The next time your local phone technician comes by - ask him his opinion of your current phone system setup - he just might be able to save you quite a bit of money, and quite a bit of grief.

Did you know that your phone system is a highly specialized computer? And, much like computers - communication systems today are capable of functions that phone systems from just 10 years ago could only dream electronic dreams about...

Give Dial Communications a call - and ask a salesman to show you how the newest phone systems can save you money and time. You don't have the same computer sitting on your desk as you did 10 years ago... Yet many companies are still struggling with ancient telephone systems that don't accomplish what modern day systems are capable of... You just might be surprised!

About the Author: Dial Communications is a leader in Ventura County California for Business Telephone Systems and Security Alarm Systems. Feel free to visit our site or give us a call to set up a free walkthrough to understand and help you with your communications & security needs.

Keywords: phone system,phone systems,business phone system,business phone,current phone system,power goes down

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