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The following article was published in our article directory on December 18, 2010.
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De Sede, Luxury, Hand Crafted Custom Furniture

Article Category: Lifestyle

Author Name: Mary Louise

Upwards of 40 years, De Sede have been shaping the furnishing globe with their high grade luxury leather furnishings. Starting out in 1965 with expert artisans in workshops in Swiss Klingnau, Germany, as a family run enterprise, they converted into a joint stock organization, that gave birth to the brand name Sede AG.

The De Sede school of thought seemed to be simple; to design luxury hand-crafted works of art which in turn satisfied the preferences of discriminating individuals. The firm kept the belief that people should be able to appreciate good quality furnishings of the very best for many years and it ought to be tremendously interesting as well. They focus on custom-made, authentic, one-of-a-kind furniture, as normally very the standard dimensions of household furniture were inferior. Consumers have the choice of being qualified to purchase and plan individual variants of luxury De Sede furniture. As an illustration, to obtain sofas manufactured to their very own requirements, over large if needed, or with further characteristics added on if they so wanted. The company meet any design element.

They promptly gained world-wide acclaim due to the advanced designs seen in their leather furniture, all of which mirrored premium quality. Because of their worldwide recognition, it wasn't long before the organization extended into further manufacturing facilities, which gave the business a greater opportunity for global network distribution.

With the organization increasing very quickly, new structuring was required and in 1984, the manufacturing company PCW took the firm over, which triggered some distinguished and outstanding De Sede items being designed. De Sede altered again in 1993, this time going into the hands of Hans-Peter Fassler and Bernhard Schuler. An purchase of the furnishings manufacturer Hans Kaufeld took place six years later and in 2002 the takeover of a second business, Frank Sitzmobel took place. 1965 saw a new seating philosophy in Switzerland with devotion to details and attention to leather craftsmanship, so De Sede began designing and manufacturing furniture of excellent style which was trendsetting, yet at the same time was of the finest in classic design.

The luxury product range of De Sede is continually growing and increasing with the help of several of the very best designers in the globe. The hallmark of the company is their notion in multifunctional seating. These collections alongside new concepts have been shown in Milan and Cologne, and since 2006; the organization have supplied the ideal platform in Cologne for developing and increasing contract business. De Sede was offered to Capvis Holding in 2007 and from July 2008, onwards the firm has been under its new CEO, Alice Stumcke.

De Sede have continued to build on their concepts of making high quality furniture and made new models with the help of ?Philippe Bestenheider? and re-works of styles from ?Robert Haussmann?, coupled with new ones courtesy of the team of De Sede designers. Their completely new ranges of quality luxury furniture of the very best will probably be launched at the ?Salone Internazionale del Mobile? in Milan during April of 2011.

About the Author: Mary is an Expert Author when it comes to the very best in luxury, Awards and De Sede

Keywords: very best,luxury,awards,, awards,de sede,furniture

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