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The following article was published in our article directory on December 15, 2010.
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Completely Solution Peninsula Crisis Only Way Out

Article Category: Business Management

Author Name: xia zihui

Military intimidation and the threat of war can only be the result of playing with fire, completely solve the crisis in the peninsula only way out is to change the hostile North Korea policy for independent and peaceful reunification on the Korean peninsula and create external conditions for peace.

Yin Ping Island artillery and U.S. aircraft carriers into the Yellow Sea and the Korean Peninsula once again became the focus of world interest. Understanding of the situation on the Korean Peninsula can not be confined to the incident itself, but from the perspective of the historical and strategic logic and the basic trend of development, thus abandoning the illusion and the trade-off of the short-term, realistic and will by virtue of the power in the hostile environment obtain the actual security in the abstract rather than stability.

Cold War, the Korean Peninsula is a living fossil, its main significance lies not in the peninsula itself and the strategic relationship between the major powers. 60 years ago, the United States for the Cold War need for intervention on the peninsula, the results of the Korean Peninsula, all intertwined with the United States involuntarily. Armistice nearly 60 years, the U.S. refused to sign peace and friendship treaty with North Korea to formally end the state of war, to achieve real peace, the fundamental reason is that the Chinese harbor deep-rooted and the whole of East Asia's hegemonic ambitions. In order to contain China's development and China's influence in East Asia and the world trend of rapid increase, the United States increasingly turned to China will focus on strategic attack, so the significance of the Korean Peninsula, more and more prominent. This sense is to put a huge North Korean political, economic and military pressure, provoking tensions peninsula, which the United States in East Asia's military and diplomatic operations excuses. In other words, the U.S. needs to maintain tension on the Korean peninsula, for which North Korea has repeatedly pushed to the cusp.

U.S. hostility and play North Korea, North Korea how should you respond? As the basic strategic guidelines, keeping a low profile and constructivism will work. North Korea is the only way to protect self from. Thus, there is frustration and the military-first politics, the persistence of nuclear weapons.

Thus, conflicts arise. On the one hand the United States need to use the tension in the peninsula, on the other hand North Korea and no sign of weakness. The results in the end who benefit, the key to see who's intelligence level is higher and who will better the quality, who practices more in line with the objective trend of international developments. The recent development of the situation, the United States use of "security" incident closer to the US-ROK relations, and expanded military presence in East Asian waters, and even China stepped up military pressure on North Korea. And the United States to achieve the intent look took advantage. But whether it is "security" incident or Yin Ping Island artillery, objectively prove that such a conclusion that the United States can not protect South Korea, following the United States will pay a painful price. North Korea told South Korea's artillery tried to follow the U.S. policy of hostility toward North Korea is no way out; the right policies can only be returned to Kim Dae-jung, Roh Moo-hyun to open up the track of peace, eliminate external interference, to achieve independent and peaceful reunification.

About the Author: I am a editor, provides sleeper sectional sofa,wide conversion lens, welcome to visit!

Keywords: sleeper sectional sofa,wide conversion lens,convection toaster ovens,

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