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The following article was published in our article directory on December 15, 2010.
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Best Webpage Design Points For Uk Industries

Article Category: Internet

Author Name: James Carmichael

Few topics have as much written about them online as web design does, so for this article I want to zero in the focus slightly and give some top tips for designing websites specifically directed at UK markets.


What is it that makes the UK a distinct player in the international world of design? Aesthetics are always very subjective, but in my view it's a blending of Europe's funky designs and bright colours, with a little pinch of good old-fashioned British reserve put in for good measure. Looking at American websites, navy blues and burgundy reds reminiscent of the stars and stripes are very popular, as are browns harking back to the woodsy days of the founding fathers. Websites designed in the UK often use brighter colour schemes and a simpler, more aesthetically pleasing look.

Advertising Text

British audiences don't tend to take well to overt marketing messages. You're likely to win us over with something more abstract, comedic, or self-deprecating. A good example is one small car whose UK marketing slogan is "This is now." The American website for the identical car, though, attracts customers by using "It's a pretty big deal" as its marketing tagline. The subtle style of the UK slogan is obvious, even though both sites contain the same details regarding the fuel economy and advanced technology of the car.

Online Ordering

There's not space here to list everything to think about when setting up a UK e-commerce website, but here are some of the most important.
PayPal is still the most commonly used payment option for web transactions in both the UK and the USA, but there are several other well known options that are just for one of the two nations.
E-commerce websites need to think about the regulations that will affect their sales in the UK. One good resource for finding more information on the topic is the Business Link website.
VAT accounting could also apply if your turnover reaches a certain threshold, and this can get quite complex so it's worth checking with a professional accountant.
You can also make your UK customers feel more cozy by changing normal Web terms like "cart" and "shipping to the British terms "trolley" and "postage" apart from having your domain end in .uk.

Search Engine Optimization
You need to be sure that search engines recognize your website as originating in the UK. With the exception of being multi-national, you should definitely select a domain name ending in .uk and make certain that you are using a web host with UK based servers.


Whether you're a UK company thinking about an updated web design Bristol, Leeds, Manchester, London, Leeds or just about anywhere which has a Uk emphasis, or perhaps an overseas outfit starting to target UK customers, I hope you have enjoyed this article and found it useful.
to a wider audience effectively.|Whether you're a UK company thinking about a new web design Bristol, Leeds, Manchester, London, Leeds or any place which has a English target, or perhaps an international outfit beginning to target UK customers, I hope you have enjoyed this article and found it useful.

About the Author: Should you are trying to find a user friendly CMS, functional e-commerce or just great looking web design Bristol situated Siteclick are 1 of the primary new on the internet corporations inside the South West.

Keywords: web design bristol,bristol web company

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