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The following article was published in our article directory on December 8, 2010.
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Moscow Using China Expanding Influence

Article Category: Business Management

Author Name: xia zihui

Efforts by Moscow and Beijing to establish closer alliance to enhance their regional influence, the United States will soon withdraw its troops from Afghanistan, which will leave a huge power vacuum in Central Asia, and Russia are eager to fill the vacuum. China has overwhelming economic influence, Russia has with its former empire in the countries of long-term political and cultural ties. However, the two sides do not want to occur because of major powers for spheres of influence, game-style confrontation, because Moscow and Beijing also plans to enhance energy cooperation.

How can that does not offend the Russian situation in China to consolidate and expand the influence of their own back yard it? Its secret weapon is a close friend of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, former KGB colleagues Ivanov. He, as Putin's special envoy, responsible for security cooperation with China to open up a secret channel.

Late last month, Ivanov led a delegation of officials from the security and Urumqi to Beijing to discuss region-wide anti-drug cooperation. China's real purpose is to activate the SCO obsolete. The organization is a loose security alliance, Russia has been trying to fight the alliance similar to NATO. "Fix" the SCO would be able "in the international arena," has a major say. China seems to be very happy to agree.

However, the two big countries of the SCO seems to have different expectations. For China, this alliance is to prevent the United States "arbitrary siege and suffocation strategy" useful tool. For Russia, it is to continue to maintain its political influence in Central Asia as a way, but also other Asian countries to form the basis for the Group. Moscow also hopes to become one of the Organization of Chinese strategic thinking and agenda of regional security platform.

Moscow's strategy is to find out as much as possible a common threat to Russia, and then combined the two forces should have a broader sense for the future, a pattern of security cooperation. They began in Central Asia to take joint action to control the drug. Ivanov suggested that Russia should work together to the next stable situation in Pakistan. He claimed that Russia join forces to prevent "U.S. missiles deployed there."

This is a boast, but also exposed Russia's ambition is much greater than its real influence. But Russia apparently wants to maintain its dominant position in the Asian policy makers, even if its economic influence has been overshadowed in comparison with China. Russia and China's economic strength may only be 1 / 4, but smart enough to recognize the Moscow power good job with access to the best interests of their own.

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Keywords: gifts& health care products Manufacturer, Medical Disposables products,

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