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The following article was published in our article directory on December 6, 2010.
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Climate Conference Each Country Have Different Views

Article Category: Business

Author Name: xia zihui

Climate Conference in Cancun, 4, into the sixth day, the Parties held in the afternoon plenary session focused on the Mexican President of the Assembly the text of the secret was to clarify the rumors, while representatives of the parties to the meeting of the Working Group published a new text with different views. Rumors through the text new text event and the different views can be seen that all parties to participate in climate negotiations vertical and horizontal, ideas continue to crash.

No secret text

Recently, rumors of some NGOs in the preparation of the Conference host, the Mexican secret text, like throwing their own package to combat climate change. In this regard, President of the Assembly in Cancun, Mexican Foreign Minister Patricia Espinosa, the 4-day conference emphasized that the text does not exist in the so-called secret, Cancun is completely transparent to the General Assembly, under the environment, there is no secret the text, there is no secret venue and meetings.

Parties to express their views on the new text

4, the General Assembly formed the "United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change," long-term cooperation under the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the text. The text of the text is not a basis for negotiations, but that the President considered the issue in which the parties have made progress, there are differences in what issues, what direction should be moving. Even if such a text, the views of the parties are still inconsistent.

Bolivarian alliance questioned the text, that some of the views and ideas put forward by Parties not been reflected, and calls for early launch of negotiations between the parties.

AOSIS, LDCs and other want to pay more attention to climate change capacity vulnerable countries, emphasis omitted from the text of some of the problems.

"Group of 77 and China," said representatives of the General Assembly recognized the progress, also said the contents of the new text needs to carefully study, temporarily comment.

United States is that the new text content is not complete, did not clarify on the "transparency" in some details.

The United States has to take "three to the problem," said something

U.S. delegation on behalf that the General Assembly are not completely new text, the lack of balance, especially that related to "transparency" issue is not enough details.

The attitude of the United States, some experts believe that non-governmental organizations, "transparency" issue is "three to the problem," referring to measurable, reportable and verifiable. "Three may be the problem" is to make financial assistance and technology transfer of the developed countries to implement the "three may", and some developed countries, in turn, requires the assistance of developing countries in mitigation and adaptation actions to implement the "three can be."

"Three may be the problem" is the technical term, in the past has asked the United States, like China, like the developed countries bear the legally binding emission reduction commitments that the United States and other countries repeatedly take "three to problems" that matter, is an attempt to use the "three to problems" achieve its original purpose.

Developing countries do not compromise on matters of principle

During the conference, a number of organizations and agencies called for the meeting to reach some results, we have to compromise.

In response, Chinese Foreign Ministry Special Representative for Climate Change Negotiations Huang Huikang speech pointed out that China supports the Cancun meeting a positive and balanced outcome, and hope as soon as possible to reach a legally binding agreement. The Chinese side also reiterated that the General Assembly the results achieved in Cancun should include the "Kyoto Protocol" second commitment period, or lose balance. The Chinese delegation will continue to be positive and constructive attitude in the negotiations, but will not compromise on matters of principle, the fundamental interests of developing countries will not compromise on the issue in the two-track system will not compromise, in the "Kyoto Protocol" the second commitment period will not compromise on the issue.

China's chief negotiator on climate change, said Su Wei, China believes that the problem in a small, non-issue of principle we should be in line with the spirit of compromise and cooperation, but in matters of principle, there is no room for compromise. Such as the "Kyoto Protocol" or not to continue, this problem can not compromise. In addition to individual countries against the "Kyoto Protocol", the majority of countries, especially the position of the developing countries are the same, that is to insist on the continuation of "the Kyoto Protocol."

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Keywords: kitchen chair cushions,teak dining furniture,electrolux vacuum parts,

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