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The following article was published in our article directory on November 22, 2010.
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Flow of Funds Will be Bundled with the United States and China

Article Category: Business Management

Author Name: Amanda xzh

Flow of funds to weave a powerful bond was thin, the United States and China to a close, but reluctantly, and some way tied to anxiety

We have to discuss the topic is about the capital flows - in this time, the outflow side is basically the United States, with the inflow side is basically - and what causes these flows, what force in supporting these movements, Also how to limit or even terminate the flow. This flow of funds to weave a strong but slender ties to the United States and China to a close, but not unwilling, perhaps the way some disturbing bundled together. And the transfer of funds must accompany the line of the government transfer of power and social power: economic power, political power, as well as military strength, and social and cultural strength. In addition, the changes with the strength of the territory, the existing global order may be mature, but may also be threatened.

U.S. trade deficit has continued for 40 years, spending beyond its own production, to make up the difference through imports, the means to pay the difference dollar is ballooning debt. U.S. trade deficit is a long-term success of the implementation of other countries, the opposite of the rapid growth strategy, is essential for growth miracle the other half of the story. First, Western European countries, then the East Asian countries one after another: the low productivity of farmers from transfers out of the agricultural sector to enable them to use the machine to produce manufactured goods. But who will buy so many products? Certainly not the majority remained in the national rural farmers, they do not have purchasing power. In order to maintain prosperity, a large increase of the products must be exported. When half of the continent like Europe or China, like Japan and, later, as the production of vast powers beyond the ability of local spending time to be a considerable scale by another great power (that is, the United States) produced by over spending in order to buy each other's surplus products. So, first in Western Europe, then in Japan, and the rise in the latest but also the most significant of China, the U.S. dollar from the trade surplus to get a lot of accumulated wealth is bound up. The United States is destined to see their own industries in the impact of imported products in front of the retreat: the first is the textiles, clothing, footwear and toy industries, and later with the Asian manufacturers in the process and value chain upgrading, but also spread to the iron and steel , shipbuilding, automotive and electronics industries.

Although such an international economic order that is fundamentally unsustainable, in fact, have remained for a long time. Western European countries and Japan have become the winner of this game no doubt, they entered the list of rich countries, not U.S. dollars by suffocation. The scale and speed of China's development is that this world has ever seen, so that the speed and scale to the current monetary and financial systems has caused tremendous tension pressure - we can venture to call it "the third generation of the Bretton Woods system," you ? Similar degree of intense pressure, in the last century's 50's -60, the United States and Western Europe's trade does not bring to the Bretton Woods system. The second generation of the Bretton Woods system and have not been 70 -80 years the United States and Japan, and the "Asian Tigers" trade between the damage.

As other countries grasped the enormous financial strength, the United States is no longer the only superpower, and it is walking in the evolution of the strength of a normal but prominent in the large country still in the difficult and dangerous road. The United States must start now to a self "World War II," never before has the attitude to seriously record and close attention to the wishes of other powers and feelings. Meanwhile, in view of the United States can no longer very easy to play the role of sole superpower, the other great powers - particularly the emerging powers like China - will no longer be able to continue to enjoy the last of the embarrassing stand treatment.

Therefore, both China and the United States must fundamentally adjust their economic structure, they all require the same total expenditure is equal to the total output of the macroeconomic equilibrium point forward, but the direction of adjustment different. This change should not and can not be completed in a sudden, but will take time, political leaders of both countries also need the courage to take action. China is eager to get richer without the prior old, is eager to become as wealthy as the advanced countries, both their aspirations, but also of their rights; it, the adjustment means that the shift of economic growth led by domestic demand. Overall, the Chinese people for the purposes of this course is a good thing, but economic restructuring is by no means easy, painless process. For the U.S., adjusted means spending less, completely reversed in the past 50 years, the weakening of the manufacturing sector is dominant, and grow strong direction of the financial sector restructuring. The United States will be more difficult and painful adjustment, in the early stages, problems and tasks need to have a deep understanding of severity.

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Keywords: fetal doppler rental,heavy duty shredders,swivel rocker chair,

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