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The following article was published in our article directory on November 22, 2010.
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G20 Should have Effect did not Reach

Article Category: Business Management

Author Name: xia zihui

G20 summit in Seoul ended, people began to worry about the financial crisis began in 2008, on behalf of "21st Century Global Governance," the General Assembly is losing the consensus was first built, slide differences and the abyss of mediocrity.

The summit will be developed only "reference criteria" to assist countries in the global economic turmoil that could result in significant current account imbalances, and this result is that the outside world it had the lowest expectations. Beast of the financial crisis seems to chase the pace behind the slight improvement in the relaxation, the original determination and cohesion have disappeared, the interests of domestic and small groups to hold a dominant again quickly. Heads of the participating countries according to their different monetary policy, trade balance and the status of the various issues of economic recovery between the vertical and horizontal, is almost impossible to curb global economic imbalances in the basic framework of the consensus reached in the specific implementation details. This is the greater Toronto after the failure of the summit.

Differences and concessions everywhere. Early in the Conference, the United States and hosts South Korea expressed the hope that the current national surplus and deficit targets set clear limits. In fact, the direct purpose of this measure is to limit in Germany and other countries with large trade surplus, of course, immediately met with strong opposition from those countries. This allows the U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner before traveling to Seoul to give up the proposal. Nevertheless, how to find alternative approach to prevent the trade imbalance, G20 can not reach a consensus. The draft communique was rocking in the "measurable" and "quantitative and qualitative" between terms, the result is not used any of them claim.

Gazette in such meetings, any subtle semantic differences could mean giving up dominance in the domestic economy, or at least take the policy at his request to change the direction of the country's obligations. Therefore, in the final communique presented, those who can not erase the differences will be in the form of the text in brackets after the large retained.

In all the disputes among the worst looking President Obama. In Seoul, he was the U.S. Federal Reserve injected $ 600,000,000,000 economic plan which became the target of suspicion because of this practice by depreciation of the dollar to stimulate exports. At the same time, he tried to put more pressure on RMB appreciation, but with little success: G20 summit to sign the final document, despite the commitment to market-determined exchange rate of Beijing, but managed to avoid abandon its currency "competitive devaluation" of the argument , and in exchange, Chinese President Hu Jintao said efforts to reduce the trade imbalance will increase the domestic consumption.

G20 summit in the United States in fact has become increasingly prominent with the multipolar joint distracted attention from the revaluation of the renminbi. Short period of time, the RMB appreciation pressure is relatively less passive.

G20 can not ignore the fact that the conflict is becoming mainstream, which not only the world's most pressing problems can not provide a solution, people will continue to reduce its expected effect and gradually affect their legitimacy. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan says that although he thought the G20 summit in the quagmire of deep differences, but did not make the outbreak of protectionism is already a "surprise."

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