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The following article was published in our article directory on November 17, 2010.
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Asia do Not Want to Make Difficult Choices Between Power

Article Category: Business

Author Name: xia zihui

"If Bismarck was in Beijing today, he would say that this is our nightmare," a Chinese scholar talked about China's relations with Asia, so when other countries said. "He has always maintained that if five neighbors, then with at least three befriend. And we not." In recent months, Asia seems to have become diplomatic minefield, indicates that with the expansion of China's influence and power may be generated prospects. Unresolved territorial disputes broke out, triggered an arms race looming, the two strong regional strategic confrontation between the U.S. and also intensified.

Region is the source of nervous self-confident China wishing to worry about its economic strength translates into a larger political and military influence. Beijing massive stimulus package for Asia is relatively easy to get rid of a hand to help the global financial crisis, China's continued economic growth for the rest of the region has brought huge benefits. However, the recent series of tense incidents remind people, in politics, not difficult to adapt to China's rise may be small.

Deng Xiaoping once said that "keeping a low profile," warned the officials that China's economy to grow, we must put the past aside and neighbors repaired. After the Asian economic crisis for 10 years, China is also to do so. They shouted "win-win", "peaceful rise" slogan, trying to create a friendly non-threatening image. But since last year, there are indications that China is no longer uphold the moderate flexibility in the Asian routes, the obvious example is the South China Sea. People's Liberation Army Navy before the main focus on preparing for Taiwan Strait. But after years of large-scale capital investment, and today its mandate expanded to include the protection of China and its huge economic interests overseas maritime trade.

China experts in the United States Institute of Foreign Affairs Elizabeth Boiko Laramie that the military is striving to expand the diplomatic initiative in a large part of the strategy. China did not want to become a stay out of the passive spectator, want to influence events according to their own planning process. She said, "senior now has strong desire to want to rewrite the rules of the game." Some observers also believe that the reason for China to become increasingly self-confident, not leadership, decision-making dictates, but rather reflects the pressure from below, such as the often expressed strong nationalist pressure of public opinion.

Busy in Washington, terrorism, Iraq and Afghanistan Affairs, 10 years later, the growing unrest against China for the U.S. re-engagement in Asia provides an opportunity for diplomacy. In fact, Obama and Hillary Clinton's visit to Asia this week, is to emphasize the new play in the area of Washington. "China has been challenged," the Australian Institute of Southeast Asian defense and military expert Kaersaiye said, "by the Chinese as a favorable trend has now started a number of strategic wavering."

However, while many Asian countries are worried about the arbitrariness of China has recently shown that some countries are afraid of the U.S. overdo it, but contributed to China's strong voice. China's hard-liners have urged Beijing to adopt the tougher stand. Dai Shangzhi Singapore Institute of International Affairs Director, said: "The U.S. re-engagement in Asia seem menacing. If you are a scholar of China, if not conspiracy theorists are suspicious that the United States against China in Asia trying to get together." Some U.S. position also Beijing leave a bad impression. Hillary Clinton last week reminded not to rely too heavily on Cambodia to China, a Chinese official said: "If the Chinese government not to rely too heavily on Mexico that the United States, what would happen?"

Although some Asian leaders that the U.S. involvement will provide a regional counterweight to China's key strength, but they also did not practice on a cold Washington. How to deal with China, ASEAN is still very delicate. Even the recent move of China's government is vigilant harbor strengthen relations with Beijing. Asian nations hope the U.S. and its military power against the growing strength of China, but they do not want to give up the most dynamic economy in China.

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Keywords: diamond blade saw,belt disc sander,wrapping paper roll,

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