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The following article was published in our article directory on November 11, 2010.
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China's Economy Turned Around Who Will Seize the Opportunities

Article Category: Business

Author Name: Amanda xzh

From now to 2020, China will achieve from the "world factory" to the world's largest consumer and industrial markets magnificent turn. Which industries will benefit from this economic transformation? Asia-Pacific enterprises should change their business strategies on how to have a share in the Chinese market? Investors choose which of the industries with good growth prospects and stocks?

From 6 the first letter in English words DUISEC - namely, Demographics, Urbanization, Infrastructure, Social Security, Education and Consumer Finance six macro trends - is driven by Morgan Stanley summed up the Chinese economy into the next decade, new trends power.

The six macro trends will drive production in the coming decade dominated by the transition to a consumption-led. By 2020, China's nominal GDP is now three times the proportion in the global GDP will reach 14%, while fixed assets investment will be doubled, consumer spending will more than triple the current level.

In the population structure, Morgan Stanley research report 2015, China's "80" - baby boom population will account for more than 50% of the total population of China has become the leader in the consumer market; and their only child in the because under the current family planning policy has two children, so the rise in the birth rate will bring support for the next few years, household consumption growth. On the other hand, population aging will promote labor-intensive to capital-intensive economy, increase the bargaining power of workers, so that rising real wages, and promote consumption.

Urbanization in the next decade will be the strongest driving force of China's economic growth, Morgan Stanley considered the case. Trend of urbanization over the past decade will further accelerate the long run, from the current 47% to 63%, reaching as far as developed countries.

With the government retirement, health care and education system reform and the strong investment in China continue to improve the social security system, large numbers of people will be able to release the deposit, the consumer plays an unprecedented role in promoting growth. The rising rate of highly educated people will be driven from the low quality of Chinese manufacturing, mass production business model transition to high growth mode of production.

Although China has increased investment in infrastructure, but the high-speed rail and road network, construction of high voltage transmission network and sewerage infrastructure is still room for further development and promote balanced economic development of the project is all implemented.

More popular in developed countries than consumer credit, consumer credit, Morgan Stanley believes that the development of China appear backward. The popularity of online shopping and credit cards will help promote the development of consumer credit products. Credit system will also help improve the consumer credit market. Estimated that by 2020, the use of consumer credit will be 40% of total spending, making substantial spending power of consumers increased by 30%.

These macro trends of China's economy created magnificent turn, contains an exciting opportunity. Motor vehicles and parts, food, household appliances and leisure industries will be the first taste the sweetness of China's economic transformation. Strategy team at Morgan Stanley after a systematic assessment of China, the AU in these industries, CapitaLand, Giant, Hyundai, LG Chemical, Samsung Electronics, Asia Pacific and 14 from China, brought a major transformation opportunities to benefit.

At the same time, these industries and enterprises must also be adjusted according to the transformation of China's own strategy. Morgan Stanley believes that multinational corporations in China's successful strategy must include two important elements: first, the business development strategy should focus on increasing sales from a simple change to build brands and networks; second, the production enterprises in China localization, that is, the Chinese simply as a strategy for the overseas market has been more difficult to win, but should seek to truly integrate with the China market due to the characteristics of the Chinese market, offering different products and services to enterprises in China as the second a local market.

About the Author: I am a editor, provides cisco sfp gbic,alcohol hand sanitizer,green comforter sets, welcome to visit!

Keywords: cisco sfp gbic,alcohol hand sanitizer,green comforter sets,

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