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The following article was published in our article directory on November 4, 2010.
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A Perusal on Red-Hot Super Green Fashion Updates

Article Category: World Affairs

Author Name: Kevin Barry

What made Nike's sustainable line fail?

A few years ago, Nike introduced the Considered line. Newsweek describes it:

"The company launched its first line of environmentally friendly shoes, called "Considered," in 2005. It had high hopes for a walking boot, made with brown hemp fibers, that looked obviously earthy. Critics called the $110 shoes "Air Hobbits" because of their forest-dweller feel and took Nike to task for a design that detracted from its high-tech image. The boots didn't sell well, and within a year were taken off the shelves."

The "why" comes from the most important rule of sustainable fashion: Fashion is First. If something doesn't fit the brand, it will not sell.

Thankfully, Nike's a very smart bunch. They changed their strategy after that. They're now driven to genuine green reforms, but they keep their same brand look. Now their fans look great and feel great about it. It's not a shock that their stock is at the highest it's ever been.

Does luxury clothing hurt the world?

High cost goods and earth friendliness are constantly seen as opposites. A majority of people think of it as dangerous, ostentatious, etc. Both, however, treasure:

1) Timelessness – designer are mandated to be sturdy and remain in someone's possession for a long time.

two) Lasting Value – People still throw out sturdy products anyway, but luxury clothing maintain their value over time, making them treasured and less likely to be landfilled.

This isn't just true of fashion – think about the lasting price of a Mercedes as compared to a Chevy. Expensive products are kept a large deal more. While, at the moment, many luxury makers do not think about the environment, neither do most cheaper producers. Luxury's net effect is a sustainability plus.

The best choice, of course, would be a longer lasting, stylish product made of green materials.

The Death of Young Cotton

Anywhere fashion is produced, a large amount of young, freshly picked cotton ends up buried in a landfill. Here's the find as to why this occurs;

Cotton strands have to be a certain size to make clothing. It's not avoidable for factory owners; a portion of cotton just are not large enough to stay strong in clothing.

The issue is extra worrisome in jeans, because the thread quality has to be great to make good, durable jeans.

For most producers, the cheapest thing to do is to contract a company to ship these waste fibers to the dump every week.

reco really could not bear the waste, so they put tools into solving the problem.

Thanks for reading

About the Author: Kevin Barry is an expert when it comes to recycled clothing as it relates to the environmental movement. To learn more about alternatives and recycled clothing, visit his website at

Keywords: recycled clothing, sustainable clothing, eco friendly clothing, eco clothes

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