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The following article was published in our article directory on November 4, 2010.
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United States Into the Senate Confrontation Deadlock

Article Category: Business

Author Name: Amanda xzh

U.S. mid-term election was finally settled, "pendulum effect" came to pass: the Republicans won control of the House, Democrats forced the Senate to hold a large number of Democratic governors were ousted. This is clearly a Republican victory, "Tea Party" movement might indeed breathtaking. However, some signs of seats, for example, before the election to be looked down upon the front line of the original Democratic Senate, Nevada Sen. Harry Reid, but quite a surprise to hold their seats. Thus, the last two years of Democratic administration the Republicans hated the "Troika combination" - Barack Obama (White House) - Peiluo Si (House Speaker) - Reid (Senate President), survived the big storms this. This in turn shows that the Republican Party did not expect a big victory in support of Sharron Angle challenges Reed in Nevada's "tea party" of the strength and momentum do not seem large.

Thus, both parties can be such a "Results" has found its own interests, or not to hurt their own interpretation of face. But the election results clearly show that U.S. politics has entered an era of confrontation between the government complete the hospital (because of both houses belong to different political parties), at least before the arrival of the 2012 election, between the White House and Congress, almost bound to one another a deadlock. Given the current U.S. and international situation, this pattern for the United States, and even the political situation for all associated with the United States in international affairs is concerned, are probably not a good thing.

The president is a Democrat, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, Democrats control the Senate by a narrow margin. That is, the next two years, the importance of the United States any controversial legislation, which may have locked in the political deadlock could not move. As early as mid-term elections, the Republican Party has declared that will use this advantage in the House of Representatives introduced a series of the Democratic Party over the past two years, work against the reform bill of the bill. Of course, Democrats can attack in the Senate, if that fails, Obama still veto.

Over the past two years, the government unified Democratic government hospital, very high in the legislation. It introduced an economic stimulus package, health care reform, financial regulatory reform, although to varying degrees, been altered, but still get the final implementation. Very clear that the United States need to follow down the years in dealing with several major events, including the world's attention, Barack Obama promised but not yet realized the climate legislation, the domestic aspects of reform of welfare spending will have to do a good job, and deal with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two giant real estate mess and, most important, of course, is to cut fiscal deficit. For now the political situation is concerned, one thing to do any of these are not easy.

Climate legislation, Democrats from the beginning the importance of it as secondary to health care reform is a thing to do, which makes the United States and around the world have a lot of hope on the Obama who came to power deeply deceived. Now the U.S. debt, the Republican Party has mastered the House of Representatives, to once again push short-term adverse economic climate legislation is probably wishful thinking. As for the reform of welfare spending cuts, which Democrats have always been reluctant to do, and now the Republicans will come up, if you cut too much, the Democrats will be retracted at any time. In addition to these major events, deeply troubled U.S. economy and financial health, well-known problem of the deficit is too high, and more in this can not break the deadlock. In the presidential election two years later, again before a thorough shuffle, do not change this pattern expect too much.

About the Author: My name is Amanda Li from , this website contains a great high quality products such as Optical Ethernet Switch, E1 fiber optic modem, welcome to visite.

Keywords: Optical Ethernet Switch, E1 fiber optic modem,

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