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The following article was published in our article directory on November 1, 2010.
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Business Loan Quiz Questions and Answers

Article Category: Finances

Author Name: Stephen Bush

This report is not designed to be an exhaustive examination of small business loans but rather is intended to alert business owners about potential lending problems at an early point when it is more likely that necessary action can be taken before it is too late. In the brief commercial finance quiz shown below, some insights into lending difficulties with commercial mortgages and working capital loans are suggested for further consideration.

When lenders say that funding is available even when it is not, is this sometimes called phantom business loans?

Yes, and the term is influenced by technology firms when they talked about products often called phantom software when they were trying to discourage customers from purchasing a competitive product even though the company that made the announcement did not have such an item actually available. Because there were so many documented instances in which the phantom software never materialized beyond a press release, the practice was usually viewed as controversial. This questionable approach to public relations has apparently made its way into the world of small business lending.

Can good banks still be found? Are banks still going out of business even after receiving bailout funding?

Yes seems to be an appropriate answer to both questions. Unfortunately it has become increasingly difficult for innocent bystanders to tell the difference between a bad and good bank. It should be apparent that there is still a lending crisis that was not resolved by the bailout because (among other objective indicators) there continue to be ongoing weekly reports from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation about bank failures. While neither bankers nor politicians want to talk openly about this situation, the rest of us can still draw our own conclusions.

After banks were saved by the financial bailout paid from taxpayer funds which began in late 2008, are they required to provide basic lending services to small businesses?

No, there were not such conditions placed upon the banks when they were saved by the taxpayer funds from almost certain financial collapse, and except from the viewpoint of the bankers themselves this is a mystery worth examining in much more detail. Because the assets are considered to be what is known as fungible, the recipients can effectively do what they want with the money. This seems like a term invented just for such an occasion. It means that monetary assets are interchangeable and that for all practical purposes it is not possible to say what happened to the money given to the banks. Most banks saved from financial collapse now appear to be investing a significant portion in what most observers consider to be risky areas similar to what got them into trouble at the beginning of this crisis, and in any case there were no restrictive conditions which would require banks to provide any particular amount of commercial loans.

About the Author: Steve Bush and AEX Commercial Financing Group are an expert source of small business cash advances help - Stephen has offered accounts receivable factoring and business finance options for 20 years. Please visit the AEX website at

Keywords: business loan,commercial finance,business financing,commercial loan,business,finance

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