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Spin Distribute has been a wonderful SEO service since early 2009. Unfortunately, after almost 14 years, it no longer meets the very strict quality criteria of our company.
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The following article was published in our article directory on November 27, 2010.
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Email Marketing Solution 101: Taking a Proactive Role

Article Category: Marketing

Author Name: Victor Green

Every online entrepreneur - also called a "netrepreneur" - enters into an email marketing software deal with hopes that it will be the answer to his or her problem of how to boost sales. With the promise of being the ultimate email marketing solution that software-selling companies make, netrepreneurs automatically become hooked on the idea of doing nothing and achieving more. This is as if signing up for failure because any sensible businessperson will tell you that this is next to impossible and no such thing exists. Hard work is always rewarded in the end.

Therefore, thinking that with a software in place, email marketing will be as as simple as approving ads and waiting for your Web site to gain traffic is a wrong concept which needs correcting. The software might make advertising easier, but this should be used as a leverage to get ahead of the competition. A software is simply a tool in solving your problem of increasing sales with the ultimate email marketing solution being a strengthened advertising campaign. The following gives a guide on how to take on a proactive role in your marketing endeavors:

Make sure to stick to the rules regarding spam. Violating the antispam policy has serious consequences for a business person. Aside from losing all the hard work you have invested in building your company's and your Web site's reputation, you can be penalized as well. Read about the rules regarding spam so you can avoid violating them. A rule of thumb is that the number of addresses in your mailing list should only come second to its quality. Make sure that every recipient has indeed consciously subscribed to getting of email advertisements from you. You must have a visible unsubscribe link no matter if this means losing a precious contact.

Do not rely on the list provided by the software. You have to monitor from time to time the contacts contained in your mailing list. Because a software provides reports, use this to your advantages. Determine which addresses have bounced emails and which have hit the spam button. Never attempt to send another email to such contacts. Instead of doing so, you can come up with a retention campaign for those who are threatening to unsubscribe as seen in the unread report. Another smart move in the management of your list is to provide for adding of the "from address" to the recipients address book to ensure that your email goes to the inbox instead of the spam folder.

Produce a professional and appealing advertisement. After ensuring the above, you can now focus on the advertisements you send out. Again, to avoid being considered spam is to have your ads contain only forty percent of image. Although images can be aesthetically appealing, having an image dominated ad can be blocked by many ISPs rendering your ad of no use. You can also opt to have an email newsletter so that your contacts can have a steady stream of ads.

About the Author: Victor Green is an Account Executive at, the award winning email marketing solution used by companies who need the top email marketing software. Try the complete email marketing program today for free!

Keywords: email marketing, email marketing software, email marketing program, bulk email, email marketing solution, email newsletters

Learn more about SpinDistribute Article Distribution System. We also offer a Pro Article Writing Service to everyone who needs premium quality well-researched articles. Network

Each article you submit at is sent through our innovative Article Distribution System to our network of more than 1840 publishers - about 55% of them are high-quality article directories, 30% of them are niche blogs and 15% of them are other content-rich websites.

To achieve the best possible success we only publish your article to most related websites. This means your article will show up on approximately 640 - 880 most related websites which will give you great SEO results.

We also offer a separate Professional Article Writing Service to everyone who's looking for high quality web content and well researched unique articles.

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