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The following article was published in our article directory on October 20, 2010.
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Vaginal Smell - Is That The Reason You're Crossing Your Legs?

Article Category: Womens Interest

Author Name: Jenny Gleason

Tell me! Why, if the vagina is supposed to be odour-free, vaginal smell is the great problem that women think it is? Lots of women are absolutely clueless about the normal, natural state of their privates. They seem to think that they must keep their legs crossed at every possible moment for fear that a fishy odour will leak out and embarrass them.

Ladies, it's time to face the truth - there's no need to cross your legs! Should you have a strong and foul vaginal odour that causes you embarrassment, now is the time to deal with it. Have you tried using special soaps - either scented or unscented? Have you spritzed and sprayed your privates with the latest deodorizers and room fresheners (just kidding) to no avail? If that's the case, then your vaginal odour may well find its cause in an infection. Infections are frequently the cause of vaginal odour.

To be sure, there are different kinds of vaginal infections. And (here's the best part) there are as many (actually more) ways to treat them.

Much of the stress that women endure over the embarrassment of foul vaginal stench is created by the advertisers of Madison Avenue for the purpose of getting you to buy largely unnecessary products. To be sure, the only time your vagina will truly emit a foul stench is if it has an infection. So rather than take what the ad-men tell you as gospel, let your own nose be the true judge and jury.

Now, if you really do have a strong vaginal odour, first of all eliminate the cosmetic contributors to the smell:

1) Start by paying some attention to that area when bathing or showering. Wash gently. Don't scrub hard.

2) Avoid clothing that is binding or constricting down there.

3) Don't wear clothing made of fabrics that irritate your skin and cause sweating in your crotch. Sweat leads to smell.

4) Wash your pubic hair after urination. If drops of urine aren't removed from the hair, they can contribute to a strong odour as well.

Performing those simple steps will take most of the common causes of trivial odor.

If you have done the above and you still have a strong fishy vaginal smell, you are probably looking at one of three things:

Bacterial vaginosis - This is a frequent infection of the vagina caused by an imbalance between the bad and the good bacteria that normally live in the vagina. This kind of infection will likely change your vaginal discharge.

Vaginal thrush - This is a form of yeast infection. Sometimes called candidiasis (because the yeast is called candida albicans), it is an overabundance of yeast causing itching and soreness around the vaginal tract. Most women have (or will have) experienced thrush at least one time in their lives. A pattern of recurrent thrush can have an impact on your sex life and your self-image.

Cystitis - This kind of infection occurs in the bladder as opposed to the reproductive tract. The term cystitis is bandied about somewhat casually and in fact covers a broad variety of ailments in the lower urinary tract. The most telling cystitis symptoms are frequent urination and a burning feeling when urinating. This really requires that you pamper yourself with extra cleansing and attention.

About the Author: Jenny Gleason is an expert in women's health issues and specializes in vaginal odour treatment. To find out everything about bacterial vag treatment, visit her website at

Keywords: vaginal odour,bacterial vaginosis,fishy smelling discharge,

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