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The following article was published in our article directory on October 4, 2010.
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Advantages of Using Wood Composite Decking

Article Category: Home Management

Author Name: Nick Morgan

In addition to the aesthetic qualities, you should also look into the durability factor when you choose materials for outdoor structures. Making the wrong choices would mean shouldering the costs and the hassle of future repairs or, even worse, re-building. Avoid having to spend more by using high quality materials that can withstand even the harshest natural conditions. For this reason, using wood composite decking has turned out to be a popular choice in building fixtures for outdoor use. Because it can endure drastic temperature changes without losing the homey feel, more and more people are turning to use this material, especially for decks and verandas.

In a nutshell, wood composite is made out of various wood fibers that are shaped together to form a regular shape. Unlike other wooden materials, wood composite decking usually has a thin outer plastic covering, which protects and preserves the wood fibers. Recycled materials are also often used to produce this popular building implement.

There are various reasons why homeowners have been choosing wood composites for building. The first one is weather resistance. Because of the plastic layer that covers the wood fibers, this material is less susceptible to abrupt weather changes than other building materials. This completely reduces the amount of moisture that the wood absorbs. Because of this, chances of rotting and decay are minimized as well. Furthermore, it is known to have a lifespan that is almost three to four times longer than that of regular wood. Even if you would have to pay more initially, you will be able to get more value for your money.

Wood composite decking also requires much less maintenance than regular wood. As a matter of fact, it does not even require varnish or paint. Cleaning it is as easy as spraying it with water and drying it up. You may use common cleaners to get rid of stains. This building material also has fewer chances of splinting and breaking, because the fibers are compacted very closely together. Circumstances that will cause damage to normal wood would not deter the quality of composite decks.

Because recycled materials are often used to produce it, production of wood composite decking also causes less damage to the environment. Manufacturers usually mix virgin plastic and recycled materials, thereby lessening the need to cut down trees.

While wood usually tends to lose its luster and color, wooden composite decking will guarantee you a uniform and constant color from day one. You would not have to worry about regular repainting to maintain the look that you prefer. Because it is treated and sealed during production, all you have to do is to pick the look that you want and have it installed.

Companies also often offer a ten to twenty-year warranty against splitting and splintering. You can have you wood composite deck replaced in case something unfortunate happens. However, since the material is, by itself, durable, there is a very small chance that you would have to avail of this warranty.

About the Author: Frank Mendoza is an expert as regards decking. To learn all the details when it comes to composite decking, go to see the web-site at =>

Keywords: decking, wood composite decking

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