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The following article was published in our article directory on September 27, 2010.
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Daily Hardware Companies Use Color to Boost Sales

Article Category: Marketing

Author Name: Amanda xzh

Hardware mention the word daily, come to mind are probably not slip gray are the tap screws autumn flow, people did not interest. How to impress the consumer products, and even a layman can have shopping desire, this is probably the daily hardware innovation should think of the problem. The following Xiaobian leads the reader, daily hardware companies to discuss the possibility of color marketing, and operating methods.

What is the Color Marketing

Color marketing is to understand and analyze the basis of consumer psychology, do consumers want to give the proper positioning of goods, and then to the product itself, product packaging, personnel clothing, environment settings, store decoration has been accompanied to the shopping bags appropriate color, so that goods with high emotional and become a bridge of communication with consumers, and "people - Color - goods" the unity of thought to convey the goods to consumers, improve marketing efficiency, and reduce marketing costs.

"Color theory" everyone in the world, every business, even successful brand, bringing a full range of powerful effects. Many businesses seize the opportunities, the use of color theory, product marketing, successful numerous. 80 foreign countries from the last century began the implementation of the "color marketing strategy", and is now widely used. In recent years, Chinese enterprises are also increasing emphasis on color in the product marketing role.

First, the consumer market survey

For example, if an enterprise uses blue, green and other cool and low brightness, contrast, color difference, give people a calm, stable feel, people feel the scientific reliability; if the company uses a red, orange, yellow and other warm colors and contrasting colors, that although the strong visual impact on the people, giving people a sense of excitement, to the people's attention to the goods up, but not to the consumer of the goods given in this trust.

Second, set the image of goods

Specific objects and the consumption of goods strategic position of our products, taking into account the trend of the times, hobbies and other information of customers, set product image.

Third, the concept of color image

General image of the basic concepts, taking into account the problem of the color combination, the color of packaging, the product itself in the shape, materials and patterns and so on, select a specific color. Enterprises will be introduced with a different product, there are different shapes, patterns and so on, but the color of a specific color for all commodities, on behalf of the company's image.

Fourth, expand the sales plan

The implementation of sales plan to give the customer left a deep impression, and its successful operation with the aid of the product itself, packaging, promotional materials, brochures, merchandise display, and color image of the strategy.

Fifth, the establishment of information management systems

Data collection, master, "what the best selling" and "why sell" two points to verify the color marketing strategy, while building business information systems, the use of color marketing materials accumulated more effective marketing strategy for the color to help.

In the application process, we should focus on seizing the following two points:

1, the role of psychological impact on customers

Psychological use of color to influence the customer, the customer will have different colors have different psychological states and feelings. Such as:

Red give people excited and happy feelings, resulting in warm, lively, thriving and happy association;

Blue gives a quiet, clean, rational sense, give rise to clear blue skies, blue water marine associations;

Yellow can give customers a grave, noble, bright psychological feelings;

Green is the color of universal nature, is considered to be representative of the spring to make one think of the vast countryside and pastures;

Mature red fruits and orange makes people feel the feelings arising from sweet;

Purple gives the feeling is noble, beautiful and elegant;

Reminiscent of the white to be honest, clean, holy, good quality.

Production and operation of enterprises according to their characteristics of goods, choose a different color to marketing purposes.

2, the role of customer buying behavior

Use of color on the role of customer purchasing behavior. According to color theory and analysis of customer buying behavior, mood and color of the customer purchasing behavior of four ways.

First, the color of the pursuit. When the market fashionable colors, the customer will track color in seeking to produce a purchase with the tide.

Second, the color of interest. If customers have a certain color can stimulate curiosity and interest in its purchase of enthusiasm and desire, will be pleased to buy.

Third, the color surprised. When customers have suddenly found their favorite in a product which usually rare and much desired color, it will quickly adjust purchasing behavior, bold and exciting to buy.

Fourth, the color anger. When customers think of a commodity is ominous, the color of taboo, it will produce a latent insecurity, hate and disdain, or even offensive. Promotion of enterprises in the use of color to make full use of the first three of influence, to prevent fourth case.

About the Author: I am a editor, provides rack mount chassis,rack mount cases, welcome to visit!

Keywords: rack mount chassis,rack mount cases,john deere loaders,

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