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The following article was published in our article directory on October 18, 2010.
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How Environmentally-Friendly are Wind Power Generators?

Article Category: Society

Author Name: Anthony Jones

While many environmentalists have welcomed wind power generators as a way to cut down atmospheric carbon dioxide, wind energy has also come under fire by other stakeholders such as worried residents of localities where wind power farms are set to be built over issues such as noise and being an eyesore on the landscape as well as being a potential hazard to birds and other flying creatures. All of these criticisms of wind power have raised the question: how green actually is wind energy? Is it genuinely as environmentally-friendly as it is hyped to be?

It should be noted, however, that the majority of the complaints surrounding wind power concern wind farms intended for industrial or large-scale power generation, rather than micro set-ups intended for individual household use. For example, residents of the small town of Webster, Massachusetts, recently expressed their resistance to the proposed Douglas Woods Wind Farm, which would have 11 wind power generators and is expected to produce 27.5 MW of electricity; it is expected to begin operations by 2012. Concerned residents have complained about the potential noise of the turbines, how the towers would diminish the scenic beauty of the landscape, possible nauseating strobe effects as the daylight is filtered through the whirring turbine blades, as well as potential groundwater contamination from the operations of the wind farm. They warned that the towers could be a potential safety hazard as well, since they may topple over or explode.

Wind power critics have also questioned advocates' claims over the minimal land needed to set up wind power generators. While it is true that the actual land required to set up a tower is small since its base is relatively narrow, a safety zone of around five acres around each tower is required. And in order to ensure that there are no obstructions to the wind reaching the turbines, trees around a wind power farm are often cut down within a 30 acre radius around the area. This does not include the acreage required for transmission lines and access roads for maintenance. In short, the area around the towers cannot be used for agriculture or other purposes, as advocates claim. Another problem, of course, is that wind power has a low capacity factor compared to traditional power plants. Wind turbines can only produce electricity at full capacity when the winds are blowing at their strongest . At other times, when the wind is not as strong, wind farms may produce electricity at only 20% capacity.

While concerns about wind power at the industrial level still remain unanswered, it is clear that for household use, wind power can be ideal if you live in an area with the right average wind speed and if your local zoning regulations allow you to install wind power generators tall enough to take full advantage of the winds. Noise would not really be a concern since an individual turbine produces around 50 to 55 decibels of sound, which is only about as noisy as a refrigerator. And concerns about bird kills can be addressed if the tower is sited properly.

About the Author: Anthony Jones with Hurricane Wind Power. We have your energy needs covered at
Low Rpm PMA's VAWT's Coming soon

Keywords: wind generator / wind generators / wind turbine/ Wind power generator/ wind power generators

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