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« Back to articles from category "Wellness, Fitness and Diet"

The following article was published in our article directory on September 22, 2010.
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Tips on Bodybuilding Workouts: Observing the Four Components of Fitness

Article Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

Author Name: Kellie

Do you want those tough and sexy looking muscles? Do you want those perfect curves? Many times, people are frustrated over their bodybuilding workouts and training programs. It is already taking them weeks, or months, and yet there are no visible results. If you are suffering from the same problem, then you might be doing your exercises wrong. If you want to succeed in body shaping and muscle building, you must follow diligently its four pillars. Namely, they are effort, discipline, nutrition and proper rest.

"No pain, no gain," applies to shaping up your body. Expect that there is effort involved in gaining the perfect shape. Of course, you will perspire a lot. You will catch your breath at first and you will feel your heart pounding—like you are going to faint. Your muscles will ache with all the weight training, running and strength-testing. Do not get discouraged because these pains will make you stronger. Your heart will become more efficient in pumping out blood and oxygen. You will burn your fat and you will develop more lean muscle mass.

Next, you must have discipline and consistency. Do not ever miss your bodybuilding workouts schedule unless there is an emergency. Remember that the effects of training are not permanent. In fact, they are reversible. You do not want to find yourself weaker and fatter than before. Also, remember to set a realistic goal. You cannot achieve the 6-pack abdomen in a week! Start with smaller loads and follow your instructor's recommendations. Increase work load little by little. For example, you can add weights in your bench press load every week.

The next important element in bodybuilding workouts is proper nutrition. Your body demands carbohydrates and protein to grow. Remember that your trainings need a lot of energy. If you want to cut down fat fast, skipping meals is not the way to do it. In fact, experts found out that skipping meals may just lead to one of two things: sickness and metabolism-induced overeating. Avoid trans-fats from margarine, butter and shortenings. Take whole grains for carbohydrates. Egg, milk and soybeans are essential protein sources to start building those muscles.

Remember to stick to a natural and healthy diet. You may take multivitamins supplements to complement your meals but do not use steroids because they can destroy your hormonal functions. They may also have deadly or damaging side effects.

Finally, rest and sleep are indispensable from bodybuilding workouts. It is very true that your body is built not in the gym, but in the bedroom. Sleeping is the chance for your muscles to regenerate from damages. Now, the protein from a healthy diet will be used to add bulk to your muscle tissues. Stop forcing yourself awake by getting up with the alarm clock. Sleep until you are satisfied. For bodybuilders, it is recommended to have 7-9 hours of sleep everyday. As a rule of thumb, gym instructors advise trainees to have at least 24 hours break between gym trainings. One can suffer from strain and muscle fatigue due to overdoing exercises.

About the Author: Kellie is an expert when it comes to Bodybuilding and Muscle building. To find out the latest News and Tips on bodybuilding, visit Muscle Builders at

Keywords: muscle building, bodybuilding tips, bodybuilding supplements, bodybuilding workouts

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