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The following article was published in our article directory on October 6, 2010.
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Erectile Dysfunction – Cause and Cures

Article Category: Medical Business

Author Name: Not Given

Erectile dysfunction is a comprehensive medical disorder also known as 'impotence', which is characterized by the inability to maintain or steady an erection long enough to last an intercourse. Aside from this, it can also denote a different meaning that is related to sexual intercourse problem including reproduction, which can be the lack of sexual desire and problems with orgasm or premature ejaculation.

Erectile problem, abbreviated as ED, can also be characterized as;
- The lack of ability to sustain a strong erection during intercourse
- The complete inability to achieve or reach an erection
- The inconsistent ability to have and maintain an erection

The causes of this sexual dysfunction, which is more prevalent among men, are usually due to physical problems. It can be caused by an injury, from a serious illness, or drug side effect. Medical conditions that targets and impairs normal nerve functioning can also cause this dysfunction to happen. Diabetes for example is a medical condition that directly obstructs the ability of a person to have an erection. Aside from limiting the body of insulin needed in a day, it also restricts and affects blood flow and impairs nerve endings which are both crucial in an erection. Age is also a factor. The incidence of experiencing the inability to have an erection increases with age, although it can't really be considered as an inevitable part of aging.

Because an erection requires accurate occurrences, the inability to have an erection can happen when a present event causes erection to disrupt. The most common causes of ED are usually internal damages incurred in:
- Nerves
- Blood Vessels
- Arteries
- Fibrous Tissues
- Smooth Muscle
- And diseases

These diseases include:
- Insulin deficiency problems
- Multiple sclerosis
- Kidney disease
- Recurring alcoholism
- Atherosclerosis
- Neurological disease/disorder
- And vascular disease

Surgery is also known to cause ED to occur. The type of lifestyle you choose can also contribute to the occurrence of ED, bad lifestyle to be specific. This includes;
- Avoiding exercise
- Obesity
- Smoking
- Alcoholism

Furthermore, side effect from medications you take can also greatly affect the ability of a person to have an erection. These medications that contribute to the occurrence of ED include:
- Tranquilizers
- Appetite Suppressants
- Antihistamine Drugs
- Blood Pressure Drugs
- Medications for the ulcer like cimetidine

Lastly, psychological problems also have great impact to the occurrence of ED. These mental problems include:
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Guilt
- Low Self-Esteem
- Low Confidence
- And the conscious fear awareness to sexually fail

The good news about this though is it's curable. Today, aside from a lifestyle change recommendation, the drug availability to cure ED makes it also much easier to address and treat the problem. Most physician would usually recommend first to have their lifestyle reviewed and changed according to what best suits the situation. Then, a series of medications are prescribed to address the dysfunction problem directly. Viagra for example is a very powerful medication that is often given to men who suffer from sexual dysfunction problems.

About the Author: Half Price Pharmacy (SD) provides cheap drugs allowing to buy generic cialis online, cheap cialis and viagra 100mg.

Keywords: diabetes, erectile dysfunction, impotence, viagra, cialis, premature ejaculation, prostate, balding, smoking

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