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The following article was published in our article directory on September 29, 2010.
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Impotence – Dissecting the Anatomy of its Causes

Article Category: Medicines and Remedies

Author Name: Not Given

A condition that most commonly plagues men, impotence (Erectile Dysfunction) is a medical condition wherein a person suffers from the inability to maintain or achieve a long lasting erection for ejaculation, sexual intercourse, or for both. Many factors can contribute to the occurrence of this medical condition. Usually, sex drive is what buffs a person sexually active when engaging in sex. Sexual obstruction on the other hand is what causes an intercourse to fail. When a person is suffering from this inability, a person's ability to produce and produce orgasm as well as their sexual drive is not necessarily affected. It is only on their ability to maintain and make their erection last where this problem centers. This often leaves many partners a feeling of dissatisfaction.

One reason why so many men today fail to understand the gravity of having an erection dysfunction is because they seldom discussed it openly –not even to doctors. Because of pride, they often deem the problem as confidentially normal. Confidential because the matter offers a direct blow to their manhood's pride, and normal because they consider it as not that life threatening to confess so they deem it as normal. Unfortunately, as oppose to this belief, an erection dysfunction could mean a lot of things. More than just the erection problem, it could mean that you're suffering from an underlying medical problem with erectile dysfunction serving as a side effect.

Some of the major causes of an erection problem include:
- Blood Tissue obstruction (Blood Vessel). The process of erection greatly involves the collection of blood directed to the shaft of the penis, and vascular problems can directly limit this process. It can limit the amount of blood that goes inside the penis, and limit the amount of time the blood can stay. Either way, both of these scenarios can directly cause an erection to fail. Atherosclerosis for example can obstruct the wall and lining of the blood vessel by leaving hardened tissues inside. It is also believed that blood vessel is the number one cause of penile erection problem.
- Nerve Function Damages. Another factor that contributes to the ability of the penis to erect is through the nerves. Nerves function greatly in maintaining and achieving a strong erection. Diseases that can disrupt the nerve can also cause erection to fail. Diabetes for example is known to cause nerve impairments in the body, which includes nerve located in far extremities. Other diseases that can cause nerve damage include prostate surgery, multiple sclerosis, or spinal column damage.
- Psychological Factors. Before, it was widely believed that psychological problems are the main reason for the dysfunction. But more and more studies had debunked this belief. Erection dysfunction is a complicated medical condition that is contributed by many complex factors. Psychological problems like guilt, stress, fear, and anxiety are also known to cause sexual problems, while performance anxiety can worsen the problem even more. Usually, people who suffer from the inability to keep and maintain an erection through psychological problems belong to the younger men category.

About the Author: Half Price Pharmacy (SD) provides cheap drugs such as cheap viagra, cialis online and viagra 100mg.

Keywords: diabetes, erectile dysfunction, impotence, viagra, cialis, premature ejaculation, prostate, balding, smoking

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