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The following article was published in our article directory on September 29, 2010.
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Beyond Blue: The Sapphire Gemstone

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Kellie

Characterized by variety, versatility, durability, luminosity and symbolism, the ever elegant and royal sapphire gemstone stands for tranquility, loyalty, peace and friendship. A widely-cherised gemstone throughout the centuries, the sapphire is famous for its deep, resplendent and velvety blue color that is truly reflect of the sky and of the sea, making it ever-wonderful and precious to gem lovers.

The Characteristics of Sapphire
It is the corundum group to which the sapphire belongs to and in terms of hardness it is 9 on the Mohs scale. It is made of aluminum oxide which has crystallized due to high pressure and temperature. When there are other elements present in the formation such as iron or chrome, the crystal which is initially colorless gets a different color. At first, there was confusion as to which crystals should be called sapphires; later it was agreed that stones which had a rouge color would be called rubies, and the rest would be called sapphires. Iron and titanium are found in sapphires that have the color blue, and are hence called the blue sapphires.

The Colors of Sapphire
Not everyone is aware of this, but sapphires come in different colors other than blue. The other colors of sapphire are white, green, pink, purple and yellow. These non-blue colored sapphires however, are usually referred to as fancy sapphires. Although equally enchanting, most people still go for the blue color whenever they hear of the sapphire. Another kind of sapphire is found to change its color.

Forms of Sapphire
There is yet another exciting addition to these colors of sapphire, and it is the orange-pink variety that is more popularly called padparadscha. It is quite a rare kind though, and its name means something close to lotus flower. There are also what are known as star sapphires. They too, are quite rare. They are called star sapphires because when light strikes them, they have this effect of shimmering like a star, which seems to glide along as the gem is moved as well.

Where to Find Sapphire
The sapphire gemstone can be found in different countries all over the world, Sri Lanka appears to be one of the world's biggest producers of sapphire, especially of the blue color. Velvety blue sapphires however, which happen to be the highest prized are found in China. The U.S., Brazil, Australia, Kenya, India, Vietnam, Africa and Australia are some other countries which produce sapphires.

Note that sapphires are prized based on their size, transparency and of course, their color. Jewelers also consider where the gem has come from as this also helps dictate its prize. The most valuable are namely Kashmir sapphires, Burmese sapphires and Ceylon sapphires. Note that a sapphire gemstone which have not undergone any form of treatment also proves to be more valuable. Now in terms of size, it is quite difficult to find sapphires that are large. The Smithsonian Institute in Washington has some of the largest sapphires. It si common to find sapphires that have oval shapes, and usually sizes up to two carats, although sapphires ranging from 5-15 carats could also be found. Sapphire lovers know that this gemstone can be cleaned with mild dish soap, using a soft toothbrush to scrub off dust that may collect on the sides of the stone.

About the Author: Kellie is an expert when it comes to Gemstones and Rockhounding. To find out the latest News and Tips on Gemstones, visit ABC Gemstone at

Keywords: gemstone history, rockhounding for gemstones, sapphire gemstone, gemstone jewelry

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