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The following article was published in our article directory on September 17, 2010.
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Horse Show Jumps and Competition

Article Category: Pets

Author Name: Nick Morgan

All horsemen are familiar with the common types of jumping classes and competition. The touch-and-out and knock-down-and out where the competitor is eliminated if he touches or knocks down a bar as the case may be; the hunter classes where the horse is required to stand while the rider takes down bars, opens gates, dismounts, leads over a low jump, mounts, etc. There are two other types of jumping classes rarely seen except in the army cavalry schools. The first is the Mental Hazard Class. A variety of jumps is set up and should comprise of objects such as a wheelbarrow, a metal rod that is kept swinging, two set of chairs facing each other, and other hurdles that are small, terrifying and not over two and a half feet high may be used. The competitors are not allowed to see the course until they come into the ring. Its object is to test the obedience of the horse and the tact and skill of the rider.

Another test also used in show jumps competitions is the maze jumping. This is designed to test the mental alertness of the trainer and the speed and agility of the horse. What counts most in the time and not the faults made. Like the Mental Hazard Class, the riders do not see the course until the competition begins. The time is taken from the moment they come through the gate. Once in the ring, they are confronted with a number of jumps, from eight to twelve. A ribbon has been tied on one post of each jump. The rider must take each jump with the ribbon on his right or vice versa. The rider decides how he will take the course. Every jump must be taken or he will be eliminated.

Faults in show jumps

Different countries and national federations have their own set of rules when it comes to equitation. However, two types of penalties are common in all federations, the jumping penalties and time penalties.

Jumping penalties are evaluated by the horse's refusals and knockdowns. Each of the two adds four faults to a competitor's score. Knockdown penalties are compelled when the horse knockdown alter the height and width of the jump. Refusals are fined four faults. The previous fine is three but the federation decreased the number of refusals that results in a number of eliminations. Refusals can be penalized harder when it results in the destruction of the integrity of the jump and the committee would have to stop the timer for repair or replacement of the jump.

Time penalties. The new rule is that each fraction of a second or each second over the allotted time will result in 1 time penalty. For example, the time allowed is 75 seconds and the competitor's time is 76.07 seconds will result in 2 time faults.

Horse shows are held in various countries with numerous possible events, equipment, attire and judging principles. Different types of horse shows and competitions have their own rules. Nonetheless, the competition and horse show jumps are often judge by the riders ability to work together with his horse as a team.

About the Author: Nick Morgan is a specialist as regards Show Jumps. To research everything relating to horse jumps, see the web presence available at ... Horse Show Jumps

Keywords: show jumps, horse jumps

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