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The following article was published in our article directory on August 30, 2010.
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Applying Feng shui Colors

Article Category: Home Management

Author Name: James Tien

When thinking about the use of color in an office environment it is important to take a few moments and identify what type of emotion is associated with the business. Knowing more about feng shui colors can help an interior decorator or a business owner decide how people visiting the business should feel and create an environment that spells success right from the start.

Many business owners don't take the time to consider that how they decorate an office may have a huge impact of productivity and profitability. Many just go with whatever already exists when they rent an office space. Others choose the wrong hues and set the tone for disaster without ever knowing that their color choices played a role in their business' failure.

While everyone wants to feel loved and find love, too much of any one element in a room's decor can easily distract as much as it can convey. Therefore, too much pink in a room can be a disaster if the environment was originally meant to be used for study or serious work.

The insurance broker would more likely want to combine elements of Metal and Water to bring the feeling of precision, abundance and clarity into the space. People coming into the agency would feel comfortable with tones of grey and white with accents of blue and black use sparingly and wisely. The psychology of color is related directly to the ancient Chinese meanings of tones and hues. When applied with purpose the results can be staggering.

Looking a little deeper and flipping the use of color a bit for evaluation purposes, let's review the use of the colors mentioned so far. While hot pink may enhance the mood of a throw pillow or brighten the feel of a room through a flower vase, most people would laugh or have serious concerns if their attorney showed up in court wearing a hot pink suit.

So many creative businesses make the mistake of appearing far too cold and calculating in their choice of decor. In some cases the owner will argue that since they are 'creative people' that their space must always appear to be a blank canvas. Nothing could be further from the truth. Instinctively, clients will always have reservations about a creative bunch who work in a sterile environment. How creative can they be if their own work space feels calculating and cold.

In any endeavor the element of trust is critical to success. Knowing why the choices one makes in decor and how feng shui colors can attract or distract the right clients is probably more important than most professionals realize. Surely an insurance agent may get away with using hot pink in their office if their clientele is niched toward young women. Obviously a modeling agency that wants to appear hard to reach and lofty can still succeed at getting their point across with black and blue hue. Still, keying in on what color tells your prospects and clients is well worth serious consideration when making choices for a business' ultimate success.

About the Author: James Tien is a Chinese culture writer. He recommends Absolutely Feng Shui for more information on Face Moles Meaning and Feng Shui Bagua.

Keywords: feng shui colors

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