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The following article was published in our article directory on August 18, 2010.
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Breeding and Raising Hermit Crabs in Captivity

Article Category: Pets

Author Name: Steven Black

The Cage

Hermit crab breeding in captivity can be difficult but it is not impossible. Scientists have observed that there are habitat conditions that can enhance favorability of mating and reproduction among hermit crabs. These factors include temperature, humidity and saline water, which can all be found in the warm tropics—their natural habitat. These factors can be imitated through proper cage construction.

A standard enclosure for a mating pair is a ten-gallon aquarium. The tank should be made of glass to retain heat and humidity inside. This hermit crab habitat must have a cover because the crabs can climb. A glass lid or sliding glass door is recommended. To maintain temperature, a heating rock or lamp can be installed to the enclosure.

The recommended substrate is sterilized sand. Fill the tank with at least two inches of sand. This will allow the adult crabs to run around and burrow. The grains of sand will help them shed skin in their molting season. Also, provide them with a clean water tray for bathing and drinking. Make sure that the water is de-chlorinated and pesticide-free.

Breeding the Adult Crabs

Of course, you want to determine the sexes of the adult crabs. A simple way is to check behind their back walking legs. Females have two openings called the gonophores. You can also check the size of their legs. Both males and females have pleopods or small legs at the left side of their abdomen. Females have relatively larger pleopods than males.

Feeding a hermit crab with balanced diet will enhance the success rate of mating. There are commercial pet foods that are complete with the required nutrients, including calcium, tannin and carotene. You can also add tannin rich foods like oak leaves and tree bark. Be sure that the fruits and vegetables that you will serve them are free of pesticides. Rinse the food first with fresh water before feeding.

For healthy pairs of crabs, the perfect mating season is from January to February. For hermit crab breeding, their cages must be transferred outdoor. Adding a pool of salt water will encourage mating. Completely dissolve a teaspoon of rock salt for every cup of fresh water. Then, put the salt-water tray in the cage and construct a ramp from the tray to the sandy area. Finally, maintain in-cage temperature at 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Closely monitor the female crab because she will lay eggs within the 2-month period.

The females lay their eggs inside their shells. When the eggs are ready to hatch, their color will transform to gray. When this happens, carefully dip the shell in the saline water tank. shake it gently to dislodge the eggs in salt water. If successful, the younglings will come out of the eggs. Raising the young is another meticulous process, which involves warming, feeding and giving them shells.

Every breeder must remember that hermit crab breeding in captivity has a slim chance of success. The chance can only increase if their natural habitat's environment is correctly imitated and maintained. In the end, it is still advisable to catch mature crabs or purchase them from a pet shop.

About the Author: Hi, I'm Steven Black, and my best friend was my Hermit crab. Hermit crabs have certain needs, like creating a home, type of food, why they need shells, and more depending on the type of crab you have. More info about hermit crabs.

Keywords: hermit crabs information, hermit crab habitat, species of hermit crabs, feeding a hermit crab, hermit crab breeding, what do hermit crabs eat, pet land hermit crabs, how to clean a hermit crabs aquarium, hermit crab shells, hermit crabs and care

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