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The following article was published in our article directory on August 16, 2010.
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Get on Board with Plastic Decking

Article Category: Home Management

Author Name: Nick Morgan

It wasn't until after World War II that decking started to gain popularity. Before the war, lawns and backyards are mostly used as storage areas or as empty stretches of soil or, at times, grass. After the war, decks became the 'tasteful' home addition and from there, it has become something that is totally appealing most people who like the outdoors and somehow wanted to experience it without having to rough things up. Hence, decking is more popular in places with not-so-harsh weather. Come to think of it, even those that are located in places with rough winters still install decking. However, roofing is installed as well and outdoor furniture are covered or moved to the shed.

Now, since decking is installed outdoors, it needs to be constructed with materials that can withstand less-than friendly conditions – moisture, too much sun, and insects. For decades, materials used have always been wood. But now, there is a trend toward using alternative decking materials, such as plastic. The two most widely available kinds of materials under this group are composite materials and those that are made of PVC.

Composite materials aren't completely made of plastic though, as the same suggests. They are a combination of wood fiber and plastic. The kind of plastic that is generally used for composite decking material is High Density Polyethylyne. They are solid, hollow, or ribbed. They are generally made from saw dust. The fiber is coated with plastic in order to protect it from moisture. In the past, many people have complained about how the wood is exposed when the surface becomes worn out, but more recent methods of manufacture has made significant progress about this issue, such as the addition of UV inhibitors, as well as impact resistant components.

What's great about composite decking materials is that it can look like real wood – although there aren't a lot that are so wood-like to fool some people at first glance. They are also comparatively low maintenance and are rot-proof, resulting to a longer life span. They are also relatively inexpensive than Native and Tropical hardwood decking material.

PVC materials can be hollow or solid. Polyvinyl decking materials have zero wood components. What's good about PVC is that they give a uniform and clean appearance – which can also work against you as it will look unnatural, which, it is. They are also virtually maintenance-free. You will need to make sure furniture doesn't scrape the surface, and wipe liquids and stains every once in a while, but that's about it. You don't need regular treating, painting or sealant application. Solid PVC, on the other hand, has outer materials that resemble wood more than hollow PVC or composite materials could; although it generally costs more. Both types pf PVC are available in various colors.

Matching railings and trim systems may also be acquired with most plastic decking materials. That way, it will be easier for you to make sure that your decking is one well-put piece. These are also practically splinter-free. If you are worried about the cost, you may use pressure-treated wood for the framing.

Plastic decking has been having a steadily increasing following; and with good reason. It made decking installation easier, not to mention cheaper, giving a good number of people fair shot at having that outdoor experience, right at home.

About the Author: Nick Morgan is an expert if you want more information on decking. To find out anything and everything when it comes to composite decking, have a look at the web site at ...

Keywords: decking, composite decking, plastic decking, pvc decking, garden decks

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