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The following article was published in our article directory on June 8, 2010.
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A Childbirth Guide For Fathers-To-Be

Article Category: Family Concerns

Author Name: Tammy Messer

Dads-to-be often feel intimidated about the childbirth process. Most of the attention is devoted to preparing pregnant women for the task that lies ahead. This is understandable given the enormous physical and emotional toll childbirth can demand. Unfortunately, many men feel left out. They're unfamiliar with the process and uncertain regarding their role.

Below, we'll provide a simple roadmap for men whose partners or wives are expecting a child. Most of what follows is taught during childbirth classes, which are offered at most hospitals. The lessons are valuable as are the classes themselves. For those men who have chosen not to attend, however, this article will provide a helpful guide.

Recognizing Labor And Timing Contractions

A majority of pregnant women experience false labor. One of the most common signs is irregular contractions (called Braxton Hicks contractions), which either dissipate on their own or can be minimized by changing positions. False labor does not require a trip to the hospital.

When your partner or wife experiences true labor, her water will break. She might also experience a growing pain in her lower back as her contractions become more uniform. There may also be bloody show as she passes the plug that obstructs her cervix.

As a father-to-be, it's important that you learn how to time your partner's contractions. The proper way to do so is to measure the duration from the start of a contraction to the start of the one following it. If they are under ten minutes apart and last between thirty and forty seconds, labor has likely begun. However, going to the hospital is usually unnecessary until the duration between contractions reaches five minutes or less, and each one lasts sixty seconds or more.

The Three Stages Of Labor

The first stage of labor usually lasts for several hours. During this time, your partner's contractions will grow steadily more intense. You should start coaching and participating in breathing exercises to help her relax. By the time the contractions are occurring approximately three minutes apart, and each one lasts up to ninety seconds, the second stage of labor will have begun.

The second stage may occur quickly or last for a few hours. It is during this stage that your partner will actively push and give birth to your baby. This stage usually lasts longer for first-time mothers than it does for repeat moms.

The third and final stage is marked by the delivery of the placenta. Usually delivered within ten minutes, it may take as long as thirty. It's not uncommon for the new mother to suddenly experience chills, so have a blanket handy to offer your partner.

The Value Of Participation And Support

Beginning several weeks prior to childbirth, it's important for dads-to-be to take an active role in their partner's pregnancy. Pack the bags for the hospital; communicate the birth plan (if you and your partner plan to use one) to the delivery team; and make sure your partner is drinking plenty of fluids to keep hydrated. These activities do more than merely free up her time and preserve her health. They strengthen the connection between you and your partner, and provide her the comfort of knowing you're approaching childbirth as a team.

When the time comes to go to the hospital, your partner will depend heavily on you as her advocate. The delivery team is responsible for making sure that she and the baby are healthy, and remain so during the entire process. However, as your partner's advocate, you'll play a key role in expressing her wishes to the doctor, nurses, and other staff.

Becoming a father need not be intimidating or confusing. By taking an active role in your partner's pregnancy, and functioning as her advocate in the delivery room, you'll experience the joys of new parenthood together.

About the Author: Tammy is a baby expert that recommends quality Maternity Clothes and Maternity Dresses from

Keywords: Fathers,maternity, pregnancy, fatherhood, childbirth, new dads,baby items, babies, infant, child care

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