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The following article was published in our article directory on June 7, 2010.
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Six Important Rules to Follow For Home Improvement Projects

Article Category: Home Management

Author Name: Wazir Khoja

If you enjoy do-it-yourself projects, chances are you often itch to do home repairs each time you get an inspiration. DIY projects take a lot of expertise, creativity, and experience, and if you have been a DIY enthusiast for quite some time now, you will know that there are some things that you simply can't discount when undertaking home repairs.

The most important things about re-doing one portion or more of your home are the proper tools and safety procedures. Some people, in their hurry to finish their project and start on a new one, often ignore some of the most basic safety rules that govern home renovation practices. In most cases, they leave their tools lying around or unplugged from the sockets, or neglect to hang sharp and dangerous objects on their right pegs.

If you want to maintain an environment of safety each time you bury yourself in home repairs, you'll need to remember several safety rules about handling the tools you use for the job:

Rule 1 – remember to keep each tool you use in excellent condition. Maintaining your home is a good thing. Preserving the tools for your home is even better. If you are stuck with rusty, damaged, and dull tools, you put yourself and everyone else around you in danger of grievous injury. Not to mention, it takes longer to get the job done with tools that are in poor shape.

Rule 2 – use each tool as it was intended for. You don't use your wrench as a hammer, do you? Or your crowbar as a substitute hydraulic lift? Make sure the tools you use are the right ones for the job, else you'll end up with a damaged tool, a destroyed house, or a damaged body.

Rule 3 – make sure you examine the tool before using it. As with rule number 1, ensuring your tools are undamaged is a priority each time you undertake home repairs. Looking closely at each tool before you use it will tell you if you require to get a new one, or have the old one repaired. Remember, prevention is 90% of the cure.

Rule 4 - follow instructions. If you have power tools and other equipment run by electricity, make sure you read the instruction manual carefully and follow it to the letter. The number one cause of injuries to builders, workmen, and do-it-yourselfers is ignoring the instructions that come with each tool.

Rule 5 – use the proper safety equipment. When welding two pieces of iron together, or using a power drill, you'll need something to shield your whole face with. Some stubborn people will put on their sunglasses and call that safety equipment, but only until they land in the emergency room with a burn on their cheeks, or a gauged out nose.

Rule 6 – clean and put away everything after use. After you finish your home repairs for the day, make sure you clean all your tools, sheath all your sharp and bladed objects, and oil the equipment that needs oiling. Place them all in their proper cubby-holes, pegs, or shelves before you close shop, and you'll find them all in good order where they should be when you begin work the following day.

By following all these safety procedures, you'll make sure your home renovation project is completed in a timely and safe manner, without any danger of injury or aggravation.

About the Author: Wazir Khoja is a full time Realtor and interested in helping his clients and other home owners maintain and enhance the value of their properties. For Home Staging Ideas and Resources, visit

Keywords: Home Repairs, Home Renovations, Home Improvements, Home supplies, Cottage Maintenance, Condo and Townhouse Repairs

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