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The following article was published in our article directory on January 27, 2010.
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Causes of Vertigo and Dizziness as they relate to your Balance System

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Scott Michale

It really is remarkable that we humans can stand on two feet without falling. And not only that, many of us can also run, jump, spin around in circles or even ride a bike down a hill.

Regardless of specific impairments, the human balance system allows us to accomplish these things. But unfortunately, the balance system does not always perform right and when it stops working we encounter a sensation referred to as vertigo or dizziness.

Everybody has felt some form of dizziness or vertigo.It could be that an ear infection left you wobbly on your feet. Or,you have hopped up from a seated position very quickly and felt the need to sit right back down.

Typically, there is no need to find a remedy for such short term occurances. Nonetheless, countless numbers of people suffer from what is referred to as chronic vertigo / dizziness. If you suffer from this ailment, you either always feel dizzy or you get dizzy numerous times a year, month or even week – typically without any apparent cause. The balance system or rather the impaired balance system is the culprit for this chronic condition.

Your Eyes, ears, and body sense are the three balance systems everyone has...
Our balance system is set up so that even if one part goes out, we may feel it a little but we'll still operate pretty much normally. Most blind persons can walk normally – so can an individual who has problems with the balance system in there ears.

We need to exercise all three systems however, because many of us are not so fortunate when more than one of our balance systems is having problems. How may we enhance our balance system? Stress or muscle tension surrounding the eyes, ears or upper body is to blame for vertigo or dizziness the majority of the time.

Ear problems will cause you to view your surroundings slightly differently than the balance system in your eyes do. The unsteady feeling is the result of the brain seeking to process these various perceptions. If your reading spectacles are not the correct strength, you've most likely experienced this.

If your balance system in your ear was 100% and your body's balance system was 100% – you could still function fairly well even if there was a problem with the eye's balance system.

But it hardly ever is so you feel dizzy or even experience the world spinning around you.The solution is to tone and loosen up all muscles around your balance systems as well as conditioning your body's balance awareness.

This vertigo and dizziness system are developed to accomplish precisely this. Every balance system does not need to be at 100%. If each 1 is suitably higher than normal, complete relief can be achieved.

About the Author: Scott Michale is a contributing writer for
Discover How Simple, Easy Exercises Permanently Eliminate Vertigo and Dizziness in this guide Click Here For The Vertigo Guide

Keywords: vertigo,vertigo cure,vertigo cures,balance system,how to cure vertigo,vertigo symptoms,vertigo symptoms cure,benign positional vertigo, benign positional vertigo cure,vertigo symptom,vertigo symptoms,headache cures,dizziness cures,vertigo dizziness,how to cure dizziness,dizziness and vertigo, cure for dizziness,symptoms of vertigo,cause of dizziness, dizziness and nausea,neck pain and dizziness, dizzy spells causes,tinnitus cures,tinnitus,treat dizziness, natural remedy for vertigo,motion sickness cures, motion sickness vertigo,vertigo therapy

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