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The following article was published in our article directory on December 7, 2009.
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Incredible Facts About Gold

Article Category: Womens Interest

We admire and aspire gold; there is positively no doubt about that. Nevertheless, how much of our awareness actually contains of information about it. My anticipation says very less. Read the declared evidences below and be truthful to yourself when inquiring how many of these did you know about.

26. All the seven continents have gold buried underneath their crusts.

27. The manufacture of gold is very less. Additional steel is produced per hour than the total gold production since ancient times.

28. The melting point of gold is 1064.43 centigrade.

29. It certainly not tarnishes, as it is chemically inert.

30. It is supposed that most of the gold (80%) is still underground buried.

31. As per the medical study in France carried out during the twentieth century, gold is effectual healing for rheumatoid arthritis.

32. Gold is not poisonous, and is put into fruit, jelly refreshments, coffee, and tea in some Asian countries. Even Europeans are known to have put gold leaf in bottle of liquor.

33. John Deason and Richard Oates of Australia found the largest piece of gold in 1869. The chunk weighed 2248 ounces of pure gold and was 10 by 25 inches. The most entertaining thing is that it was found only two inches below the ground surface.

34. Due to the eminence of gold being inert, it does not cause skin irritation. You should remember if your gold jewellery irritates your skin then it is perhaps not pure gold.

35. One cubic foot of gold weighs half a ton.

36. The largest gold slab weighs 200 Kg.

37. Olympics gold medals are not purely of gold. They used to be until 1912.

38. As per a Greek myth, gold was a dense mixture of water and sunlight.

39. King Ferdinand of Spain coined an eternal saying in 1511, "Get gold humanely if possible – but at all hazards get gold."

40. Gold and copper were first metals to be exposed by men in 5000BC.

41. What is harder to find one-ounce gold slab or a five-carat diamond? No, you are thinking wrong. One-ounce gold piece is difficult to look for.

42. In every cubic mile of sea water there is 25tons of gold and there are 10 billion tons of gold in the oceans.

43. Only 88000 tons of gold has been mined out from the earth ever since records have been made.

44. It is harder to win a main state sweepstake than to discover gold.

45. Carat was in reality a unit of weight based on the carob bean and used by Middle East's ancient merchants.

46. Carat is still used as a measure of weight for gems.

47. The Egyptian civilisations were the first people to utilise gold for jewellery.

48. Largely cell phones, computers, calculators, television, and other electronic stuff contain gold.

49. Gold is the only precious metal that is yellow or golden in colour.

50. 90% of the gold has been revealed on earth's surface in desert, mountains, stifling climates, and Arctic regions.

About the Author: Jack Wagon is a jeweler. If you want to know How to buy gold take his advise today.

Keywords: gold bullion price, price of gold, How to buy gold, buy gold bar,

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