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Spin Distribute has been a wonderful SEO service since early 2009. Unfortunately, after almost 14 years, it no longer meets the very strict quality criteria of our company.
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For this reason we closed down new sign-ups and new orders on Spin Distribute on December 31st, 2022.
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The following article was published in our article directory on November 27, 2009.
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Lorem Ipsum Generator – Your Best Alternative for Producing Dummy Web Content

Article Category: Computers and Technology

Websites and web pages are produced for various reasons such as promotion of products, blogging and the like . Whatever the use is , a website or a page needs to have some content in it so viewers and readers will be attracted. But what if you have no time for filling up your web page? Do you leave it blank? What can you do about it? There are several things you may do. You may choose to hire a web page editor, although this might cost you some dollars. Imagine, you need to pay for something that you can do all by yourself. If you want your page to have content for the meantime until you get the time to really fill it up, to really fill it up, you may opt for a lorem ipsum generator.

What is a lorem ipsum generator? This thing, as complicated as it may sound, is really very simple. A lorem ipsum generator produces dummy text, popularly known as lorem ipsum text, to serve as web content for your web page for the meantime. Lorem ipsum text, as defined in graphic and publishing design, is the name of a placeholder or filler text that demonstrates the graphic rudiments of a specific document or visual presentation like typography, font and layout. The lorem ipsum text is really a hacked version of Cicero's Latin text, wherein some letters and words are altered. Basically , this kind of text is a non-sensical compilation of various semi-Latin words. This text is not italicized. The typical beginning of the lorem ipsum text is "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...." and so forth. Greeking, however, is different from substitution of lorem ipsum to meaningful content.

Even though the use of lorem ipsum frequently arouses people's curiosity because of its similarities with classic Latin, this text has no meaning . Whenever there is a text visible in a certain page or document, readers usually concentrate on the textual content instead of the presentation. But when a publisher decides to use a lorem ipsum generator to produce lorem ipsum text, the readers mainly concentrate on the publication or presentation instead of the text's meaning.

A variation of the basic lorem ipsum has been utilized since the 60s, or even during the 1500s, to provide filler text while typesetting. Lorem ipsum text is originally taken from Cicero's Latin book "De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum". When interpreted in English, it is read as "On the Ends of Goods and Evils". This text can be found at section 1.10.32 and 33. Though the exact source of the text remains unknown , some believe it has been around during the 60s. Richard McClintock was responsible for discovering the passage.

The current famous lorem ipsum version was produced for Aldus Pagemaker, the first desktop publishing program of the Aldus Corporation. Laura Perry adapted ancient lorem text forms and redefined them. There are also various software types like text editors that are used as lorem ipsum generators. These generators produce lorem text that are completely random and have no connections at all. Other programs that can generate lorem ipsum text include Joomla and Microsoft Word 2007.

About the Author: Lorem Ipsum Generator is powered by Studio Primus and IT&Multimedija. It is one of the most important resources for web designers and developers. You can generate lorem ipsum with additional html tags - paragraph (p), italic (i) and bold (b).

Keywords: lorem ipsum, lorem ipsum generator

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