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The following article was published in our article directory on November 23, 2009.
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What is Special Effects Make Up?

Article Category: Womens Interest

Make-up, in this age, has become an essential part of people's lives, specially women's life. Without any distinction of province or race, it bears an important place in female circles all through the world. It is nearly impossible nowadays to imagine a woman without make-up.

Make-up covers the unattractive features of a person, and enhances their beauty by lending refinement and grace. It gives people more gorgeous appearance than they really have. In this way, it can do wonders for people.

Make-up holds a vital significance in the field of show-biz. The requirement of adapting to their characters in an effective way has made make-up a must for the actors. It makes characters more valid, life-like, and easily reliable. Make-up can be so effectual in the show-biz that even sometimes characters get hit because of their attractive make-up.

Special effects make-up is one of the wonderful techniques used for characters in movies, dramas, and theatres. It helps the actors to modify into an ample range of creatures. It is one of the recent methods which have given characters the relaxation from making efforts of how to make their characters more natural and authentic. Special effects make-up has made magnificent developments in the show-biz. It gives the artists, the margin of crafting any fake notion from a simple mole as a beauty mark on the face to the most dreadful fiend.

Special Effect is an art as well as science. Science in the sense that it engages the absolute perception of how the audio-visual sensory parts of our corpse and mind recognise the world around us; while it is art in sense that it implies the tactical utilisation of this information to dodge the sensory system.

Special effects make-up has been practiced around the globe for a number of centuries. At first, the lead-based make-up and chalks were used in ancient times. Then pan-cake make-up was introduced. Pan-cake make-up holds an essential implication in special-effects make-up, as it was the first kind of make-up that was introduced in black and white movies. Furthermore, in existing times, normally latex and rubber are used for skin effects.

Great characters from different movies have been given special effects make-up, and this is the main reason for them being hit. Whereas specially used for horror and fantasies, special effects make-up can simply be used to give some pleasant or unique appearance to the character.

Fantasies, horror plays/movies, and science fiction make excessive use of special effects make-up. It makes these unreal worlds and characters as they are real, and they exist in the original world. For example, if there is a monster in a play, with over-grown teeth, nails, tilted nose, mottled eye, and blood splattered over the face, the spectators will feel as if it is bona fide, and they will undergo the same feelings of fear and disgust that they would have felt if they had seen it in their actual lives. This is the upshot that special effects make-up executes.

About the Author: Mike J Jones is a make up artist. Learn about Makeup Artists Course

Keywords: makeup school,makeup course,makeup academy, makeup, films, actors, actresses, makeup course, theatrical makeup

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