NOTICE: We closed down Spin Distribute on December 31st, 2022. ❗
Spin Distribute has been a wonderful SEO service since early 2009. Unfortunately, after almost 14 years, it no longer meets the very strict quality criteria of our company.
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For this reason we closed down new sign-ups and new orders on Spin Distribute on December 31st, 2022.
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« Back to articles from category "Womens Interest"

The following article was published in our article directory on November 17, 2009.
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Article Category: Womens Interest


Women suffering from symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), such as irritability, headaches, anxiety and weight gain, will feel relief from a regular full body sensuous massage.

As muscle tension and stress inhibit function of the organs of digestion and elimination, massage therapy can help during an episode of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or premenstrual syndrome.

IBS is a common pain disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. There are three types:
1: frequent, painless diarrhea;
2: painful constipation; or
3: a mixture of the two.

Stress is one of the most potent triggers of symptoms. For women, IBS symptoms are often much more severe during menstruation.

Women who do not have IBS may experience the symptoms during menstruation. In a significant study, 34% of women who did not have IBS, reported that during their menstrual periods they suffered from some of the same bowel symptoms that characterise IBS.


Massage has many benefits during and after pregnancy. During this most important time in your life, as you share your body with your developing child, you can also share the comforting benefits that prenatal massage brings to the body, mind and spirit.

a full body sensuous massage in pregnancy relieves stress, eliminates discomfort and results in healthier babies. Pregnant mums are more comfortable through labour and use fewer medications. They have shorter labour, reduced complications and fewer C-sections. Stress is reduced and depressed moms benefit from massage therapy.

Massage therapy after delivery helps with physical and emotional adjustments. It helps to restore the body to its pre-pregnancy condition, re-establishes pelvis structural integrity, supports healthy lactation, reduces stress hormones, and facilitates healing of bladder
disorders, post episiotomy soreness and C-section.

Please note: Prenatal and perinatal massage therapy does not replace prenatal health care by professionals.


Massage therapy can work wonders for people suffering with back pain. Backache is one of the most frequently occurring conditions and can have a major impact on ones lifestyle.

Massage therapy provides relief by improving your circulation. Throughout our bodies we have a clear fluid that circulates around the body tissues called lymph. At the same time, we have inflammation, which is an immune response to injury or infection that causes pain, redness, heat and swelling in the affected area - in our muscles, around our muscles, even in our joints. When lymph and inflammation start to accumulate in the body, the excess fluid will put pressure on blood vessels and our circulation will decrease, limiting
blood flow to that area. As the pressure increases, it irritates the nerves, which will cause you to have pain. By helping the body remove excess lymph and inflammation, massage therapy can make your blood flow better, which will reduce the pressure that is irritating the nerves and get rid of your pain.

It is a good idea to include massage as part of your overall plan to obtain the best and fastest results to help with your pain.

Chronic backache need not be a permanent condition and together with regular massage and stretching you can alleviate the symptoms, allowing you to lead a full active pain free lifestyle.

About the Author: Lee and Mandy Harding | Full Body Sensuous Massage | PREGNANCY and PRE-MENSTRUAL SYNDROME and BACK PAIN | Discover The Art Of Massage | Your Fitness Coach

Keywords: Full Body Sensuous Massage, Pregnancy, Pre-menstrual Syndrome, Premenstrual

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